Part 4

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((AN:// Hey guys! I'm working on the chapters for my other books as well, so be on the look out for the soon!

The main thing I wanted to tell you guys though is this.

This is exactly how I imagine Hobi in Namjoon's hoodie, and Jimin is also how I imagine everyone looking at Hobi 24/7 ! So damn cute!

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This is exactly how I imagine Hobi in Namjoon's hoodie, and Jimin is also how I imagine everyone looking at Hobi 24/7 ! So damn cute!

Anyway, enjoy!))


Yoongi made his way to the laundry room while ignoring his roommates that were glaring at him with... less than pleased looks.

Tossing the hoodie into the washing machine and starting it's cycle, he turned to face the other's with dread.

He knew he wouldn't be able to avoid it.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Yoongi?!" Jin practically screamed as he grabbed a fist full of the raven haired boy's shirt and slammed him against the wall.

The younger winced at the impact, but his eyes narrowed on to the eldest with a frown, "Get your hands off of me..."

"Like hell I will," Jin spat out as he shook the boy with blood boiling in his veins, "A fucking day. We've had him for a fucking day and you already-......!" He couldn't even finish the sentence before choking on his words in disgust.

Jhope didn't deserve this.

"Stop it, hyung!" Jungkook stated firmly as he frantically stood up from his seat on the couch and faced the elder with anger, "You're not making the situation any better!"

Jin and Yoongi locked death glares at each other, tension rising in the room. It was so tangible you could cut right through it with a knife.

When Jin spoke once again, his voice was low and dangerous. It sent fear in nearly everyone's bodies as they had never heard him speak in such a way before, "The last thing I want is for him to be treated as a slave... And that's exactly what you just did..." His slammed the raven haired boy against the wall one last time, but the force had caused Yoongi to bang his head against the wall painfully.

It was then when they heard a loud thud before footsteps quickly making their way into the room, and soon there was a panicked Jhope rushing to the two elder boy's with a slight limp in his quick steps.

Jimin glanced at the orange haired boy and noticed the fear in the boy's eyes as he clung to Jin's hand to pry it off of Yoongi's shirt.

"Stop it!" Jhope cried out as he processed the state of things quickly in his mind, "Please, if you have to, hurt me instead!"

The words rippled through the room painfully before Jin's hand finally uncurled the fabric in his hands and took a step back from Yoongi with blood draining from his face.

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