Part 1

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((AN:// Hello everyone!

So a few things about this book I want to get out of the way, this book, though it will have a plot and shit... ITS BASICALLy A BOOK OF KINKY SHIT AND I HOPE THATS OKAY!!

Also, it you want me to write about a certain scenario or smut scene... Just hit me up and let me know and I'll do it! 

Thankkkks, bye!))


The five boy's sat in complete silence as they examined the mysterious boy that made an appearance along side Jin's father. In the other room, the birthday boy and his father were speaking among each other about the special day.

Each boy was dressed in suits to please the eldest's father, much to their dismay. They hated dressing so clean cut because it was so uncomfortable.

Their eyes trailed down the small boy's body.

He wore the strangest outfit.

A white button up covered his upper body, which looked a couple sizes to large on him with the cuffs resting just barely above his fingertips. His shorts were black, matching the choker that was placed firmly around his neck almost as if imitating a collar. His orange hair was combed neatly and appeared as though it had been trimmed just hours previous to his arrival.

His eyes shone with innocence, yet something else was prevalent, something they just couldn't put their fingers on.

It was filled with innocence but appeared as though he had already seen all the horrors the world had to offer.

His posture when he was sitting was unnaturally straight, and his gaze shifted from one boy to the other with curiosity.

"So," Namjoon asked feeling the awkward tension rising in the room, "What's your name?"

The boy turned his attention to the speaker with alertness, his voice when he spoke was something like no other. It was quiet and submissive, yet at the same time displayed confidence in his words, "Number 094." He replied showing no emotion in his features, causing everyone in the room to fall into confusion.

Was this a joke?

"That's a number," the youngest, Jungkook, had noted with suspicion, "Don't you have a name?"

The orange haired boy tilted his head, mimicking the confusion the other's wore.

Why would he have a name?

He wasn't one of them.

"Number 094 is my designated title," he replied as his heads fidgeted in his lap as he spoke, "I have never gone by anything else but that. However, if my master's wish for me to have a name, then they are welcomed and encouraged to name me."

Yoongi, who had been sipping on his cup of coffee, instantly began to cough it up causing the warm liquid to dribble onto the table, "M-Masters?!"

The mysterious boy shot up as he noticed the mess that had been created and looked around the kitchen to find supplies to clean up with. He sight finally landed on a rag that he took and moved to clean the area in front of Yoongi.

"O-Oh, you don't have to do that, I was the one who made the mess...!" he exclaimed, guilt filling his body as he watched the boy soak up the mess with the rag.

It was then when Jin reentered the room, followed by his father. All colour seemed to have drained from his face as he stared at his roommates.

"Hyung," Taehyung exclaimed at the state the elder appeared to be in, "Are you feeling unwell?!"

NUMBER 094 || JUNG HOSEOK X BTSWhere stories live. Discover now