Part 9

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((AN:// Soooo heads up, if you haven't caught on from my other books.... I stan Got7 so they appear frequently in my books!! However, in this book, other groups will also appear along side with them.

But on the topic of Got7, can you guess my bias? ;)

Anyway, enjoy!))


The following days had begun to drag unbearably slow for all the boys now that school had resumed after the eventful weekend. However, not having the bubbly orange haired boy with them only made it worse. Even if it had been barely less than a week, each boy had already made a strong attachment to the slave.

"I hope he's doing alright," Jungkook sighed solemnly as he glared down at his food, "It must be so lonely there for him not having anyone with him."

Everyone's head bobbed in agreement to the statement as no other responses were given verbaly.

They all hated leaving him there alone like that.

However, it's not like they could bring him to school with them.

"Not to mention just how quickly he was able to catch up on reading and writing, it was at such an inhuman pace," Namjoon threw out with his head cocked to the side. He wasn't complaining about the speed of how Hoseok was learning, but it was just completely baffling.

The eldest of the group placed down his chopsticks as he took in a deep breathe, "The paperwork did say he was intelligent and a quick learner..."

"But still, only a day to learn how to read and write is impeccable," Jimin muttered as he shook his head with awe, "I barely passed the college placement exams, and he can already read full length books when he couldn't even read Yoongi-hyung's name just the day previous!"

It was rather strange.

"Whatever," Taehyung interjected with a chuckle as he leaned back in chair, "I say we don't question anything and just move forward with enrolling him in college as soon as possible."

"If he keeps up with this pace, it'll be a lot sooner than we anticipated," Yoongi muttered, more to himself rather than everyone else, "I actually miss him a lot while we're here."

The group had continued their discussion, taking each idea and possibility into consideration.

Namjoon's eyes drifted to the raven haired boy, who appeared to be on edge and anticipating something, "You doing alright?", He asked once he noticed Yoongi's fingers tapping away on the table.

Averting his gaze back and forth as if searching for something, Yoongi responded with "Yeah, yeah, just fine..." His voice, however, gave off that he wasn't really even paying attention, "Ah- There he is, I'll be right back!"

Much to everyone's surprise, Yoongi shot up from his seat and walked over to a table which currently only had a single student sitting all by his lonesome.

His hair was a dark chocolate brown and the boy's frame was rather small as it hunched over the table not eating. Instead, his head hung low as it he was focused on the school work that was scattered across the table in front of him. The clothes he wore were definitely much too large for him as the grey shirt draped down nearly to his knees. The shorts fit a little bit more snugly but still a size too large for what he needed.

Yoongi pulled a seat up beside him and sat down as the other looked up at him cautiously, "Uhm—... Hello..." he heard him say suspiciously, "You're Yoongi, right? You're in my gym class..."

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