Part 10

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((AN: Alright guys, as promised I'm back! I'm sorry it took a little bit to write this chapter, I was a bit stumped from where I left off last.

So, some good news and some bad news.

I'll start with the bad news.

For those who were reading Guardian Angel, I have discontinued the book and do not plan on bringing it back. I took it down and it's mostly for personal reasons that I do not want to explain. I'm very sorry about that.

However, for the good news,

I have actually started a new book instead! I'll be uploading this around the same time this chapter is up so be on the look out. At the end of the chapter I'll include a description of the book if you're interested! Anyway, here we go!))


The sun had now begun to set for the day when fourteen people were gathering into the living room.

"Okay.... This is weird," JB said as he observed the scene before him, "Is this weird to anyone else, or is it just me?"

Before them sat two boys wearing the exact same outfit, staring at them anxiously. Even their hairstyles were similar exluding the hair color. One was a bright orange while the other was a lighter brown. There wasn't any sign of imperfection to be seen from them. They were attractive, young men, sitting with perfect posture despite the obvious fear that radiated from them. Since they arrived, neither of the slaves uttered even a single word.

"Unfortunately, no," Namjoon sighed out in desperation, "I know this is a lot to ask of you, and if you accept, it may put you guys in danger if word gets out.... However, there's no other people I trust more than you all..."

The amount of people in the room felt suffocating to Bambam. He had only been in attending university for about a week, if even, but it still filled him with dread.

In his experience, large groups of people meant auctions.

Perhaps Hoseok noticed his rising fear because he felt the boy's pinky finger wrap around his own. Twisting his head to look at the ginger, he noticed that while Hoseok refused to glance his way he looked just as nervous.

"Look, out of all the jokes you've pulled this one is the most sick. Just cut it out already," Young Jae demanded rather forcefully, "I don't know how much they're paying you to keep this up, but please just drop it already." The boy sighed out while reach a hand out to BamBam.

It took no time at all for a hand to snap around his wrist with so much pressure it felt like it might break, "Do. Not. Touch. Him." Hoseok replied slowly with venom in his tone. His eyes darkened over as the two exchanged eye contact, "I will kill you."

Alarms rang in everyone's mind as Yoongi rushed over to pry Hoseok's hand off, "Hoseok, what's going on with you?! You've never acted like that before!!"

The slave's eyes narrowed onto the stranger in front of him before releasing reluctantly.

"Good, thank you," Yoongi breathed out shakily before motioning the other to follow him, "C'mon, let go to the other room to calm down."


Everyone who knew Hoseok instantly felt their hairs stand on their neck. He's never rejected anything and now suddenly he's acting out. Of course, they're not upset that he's standing up for himself, but they couldn't pin point why there was a sudden shift in his personality.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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