Chapter 1

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It might be a little bad but I'm new to this but if you keep reading it gets MUCH better


"I be feeling like the man when I walk through

Ain't stunting what you saying when I walk through

I got all these hoes staring when I walk through

I done made a few bands when I walk through

Watch me, watch me, hey, watch me walk through

Watch me, watch me, hey, watch me walk through

Watch me, watch me, he-"

I wake up a hit my alarm clock. As I'm getting up my deadbeat mother storms in my room

"GET YO FAT ASS UP" she yelled

I didn't even want to argue with her this early in the morning so I just got up and walked pass her. I went to go wake my baby sister Elizabeth up she is 3 years old. I look at her as my own child. I love her so much I will go to hell or jail for her. I walk in her room and shook her.

Jas: "Wake up pooh it's time to get up and get ready"

Liz: "Gwo away mwommy"

Yes she does call me mommy do I care, no, I have been taking care of her since birth .

Jas: "Elizabeth Marie Thomas you have 5 seconds to get up before I go get my belt."

Liz jumped out of the bed fast as lighting 😂.

Liz: "otay mwommy iwm up"

Jas: "That's what I thought now go brush your teeth and pick your outfit for today."

Liz: "otay mwommy"

I walked in the bathroom after Liz and brushed my teeth. Liz finished and left. I closed the door and took a 30 minute shower. I stepped out dried off and walked back into my bedroom. I decided on some old skinny jeans, a white and black sweater and a pair of run down converse. Thats really all I have to wear because we have no money. I have to steal food for Liz and I. When I graduate I'm getting me and Elizabeth out of Brightmoe. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jasmin Ann Smith I'm 17, a senior in highschool and I attend to Dream High (A/N: made up).
I hate that school it's ghetto af. But anyway I'm 5'4 dark skin, I have long hair but it stays in box braids or twist, which i happen to do myself. I am a thick girl or as people like to call me 'fat'. I get bullied but I don't fight back unless I'm in a bad mood. I live with my hoe ass mother and my baby girl. My dad left when I was 6 and it hurts, but hey fuck him. I have been raped, beaten every day and pimped out. I hate my life I wish is was in heaven with Jo. Jo is my grandma she was the only person who fully understood me to a T but now she's gone 😪😢. I have never had a boyfriend nor have I had a real first kiss. Every man that raped me, never kissed me which I am grateful for. But yeah that's m-


Jas: WTF?!?!?


She started punching and kicking me. When she was finished I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I had bruises all over my face. UGHHHH people are going to talk

Jas: Let's go baby.  

She got her bag. I told her she didn't need her jacket it was not that cold. We ran out the door before my mother got to me. I picked Liz up cause it's a lot of perverts   around here I walk 6 blocks to Ms. Johnson's  house she watches Liz while I'm at school. She is really nice she was my grandma's bestfriend.

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