Chapter 3

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Jasmin POV

I feel good. I feel like this is a new beginning. I finally know the boy I see in my dreams. I got my babygirl. For the first time in forever I'm actually smiling.

My thoughts were cut of my somebody hugging my really.... REALLY tight. "I..can't....breath" I said then they let go "sorry I just missed you so much Taz" this guy said. He sexy asf, he brown skin 6'1 skinny and tatted (A/N: August Alsina) but anyways I'm lost "who Taz and who are you" I asked "Everybody use to call you Taz cause when you was little you use to act like a Tasmanian devil when you didn't get your way(A/N: lol that my nickname fr tho) and I'm Brandon I know you don't remember be I'm 1 of 3 bestfriends" he said "lol I did and are you the boy the pushed me down to hill and in that lake" I asked he busted out laughing "Fred pushed down the hill and I pushed you in the lake😂 that was so funny you was cussing up a storm then yo granny whopped yo ass for cussing and Chris cried the whole time" we both busted out laughing "Aye I didn't like to see my baby cry" Chris said pouting "Aww thank you for caring baby" I said pecking his lips. Somebody cleared there throat and said "I'm so lost who she and who is that little girl" some girl asked she 5'8 light skin tattoo on her hand and green eyes (A/N: Rihanna) she was mean mugging me. I was about to say something but Chris started to speak

"Yo Peach so muggin her this is Jasmin. Jasmin is the girl I use to tell y'all about" Chris said "So this the girl that you loved/love but you had to leave cause Fred was Kingpin?" said some guy (A/N: Drake) "Yea man" Chris said with a big ass smile on his face looking at me I blushed. Then everyone 'aww' then I hear a familiar voice say "why y'all sayin aww?" the girl say and walk in and to my surprise it was Maddie "WTF Maddie when did you get in a gang" I asked shock "A few weeks ago my cuz that die wanted me to be in it" she say I said ok then Liz ran in "Mwommy Iwm hungry" I looked at her sad "ok baby I will see what I can do I might have to but another angel giving" I said she look sad. That broke my heart "now finish watching tv I'll be there in a minute" she went back in the den Ik y'all like Chris just said he gone take care of you well Ik but I feel like a gold digger idk why "what's angel giving" Chris and Brandon asked at the same time "When I can't fed her I tell her she giving it to the Angels " I said looking down Chris lifted my head "baby I said I'm gone take care of y'all I don't care how you feel about I'm still gone take care of y'all. You gone live here we gone be a family ok baby?" he said "ok but maybe I need a jo-"

"No Jasmin now drop this conversation please. Go talk to the Peaches and Maddie while I talk to Rio and Brandon" he said sternly I sighed "ok Chris" I said he kiss my lips and me and the girls walked to the den "so I never introduced myself I'm Mia but you can call me Peaches sorry about mugging you I just look a Chris as my brother and I'm very protective over him" she said "She not lyin about that she was about to beat my ass when I came in the group" Maddie said we all busted on laughing "It's cool I understand I'm Jasmin from the sounds of it you know my already lol" I said "yeah pretty much Chris told me a lot I'm sorry to hear about yo family" she said "it's cool I'm just glad I'm not there anymore" I said "what exactly happen in your house Jas" Maddie asked I told her everything we was in tear "that's some fucked up shit bro" said the girls. Peaches had the same life as me but now she live with Rio "so what's up with you and Rio" I asked wiggling my eyebrows she started blushing "we not official but I'm his only girl😋" she said "aww" me and Maddie said Peaches started blushing more "y'all cute or whateva" said Maddie "No who cute is you and Brandon" said Peach with a smirk "whatever" Maddie said blushing. We talked in till we heard yelling.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for read I'm going to try to update every week. Comment & Vote✌️


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