Chapter 10

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Picture of Elijah 😍


Chris POV

Me, Peaches, Maddie, and the kids are sitting it the waiting room. "Hey can I talk to y'all" said Peaches "yeah what's up" said Maddie "I'm pregnant" she started crying "hey hey what's wrong" I asked rubbing her back

"w-what i-if R-Rio d-doesn't want it"

"Girl Rio love Elijah like that's his own I'm 100% sure he gone love y'all baby just as much just tell him" Maddie said "she right" I said "ok I'm going to tell him when they done"

Jasmin POV

"Why did you leave me with that monster of a woman" I asked getting to the point "listen babygirl I was Kingpin people want to kill me and my family. I had no choice i hate that I left you with that bitch. I wanted you and Rio to know each other but I didn't want my enemies the know I had kids. I had to leave before they killed you. I'm sorry for leaving you with that bitch. Please forgive me I love you princess"

I'm in tears "I love you too daddy" we hugged "what about me" said Rio we laughed "get over here big baby" I said we all hugged Rio went and got everyone


FINALLY a nigga got a POV lol but I'm going to get everyone when I get to them I tell them they can come. I see something wrong with Peaches I stopped her "what's wrong baby" she started shaking "n-n-nothing" she stuttered "Mia Rihanna Jackson you got 5 seconds to tell me what's wrong" she sighed "I-I'm p-p-pregnant" she started crying "baby why you crying" I asked rubbing her back

"y-your g-going t-to leave m-me and E-Elijah" it must be her hormones "baby I'm not going now where I got you ok ma?" she calmed down "ok" we kiss and went back in

Jasmin POV

Peach walk in and it look like she been crying "Rio what the fuck you do to my sister I well get out of this bed and whoop yo ass" I said sternly "lol he ain't do nothing I'm pregnant and I thought he was gone leave" I sat up "Pause. Rewind. Play. You prego" she nodded "YAYYY" I screamed. The rest off the day we relaxed







Jasmin POV ~2months later~

So I got out the hospital a month ago things been good. But I'm ready. No me and Chris still have not had sex but I'm ready. So me, the girls and the kids going to the mall. Right now I'm cooking breakfast

"Liz London y'all ready?" I ask they ran in here "ywes mwommy" they said in unison "sit down and eat and what I tell y'all about that running in this house" I said with my hand on my hip "nwot to rwun" they mumbled "exactly we gone have a prob if you do it again understand?" I said continuing to cook

"ywes mwommy" Chris come down and wrap his arms around my waist "good morning baby" he whispered in my ear "good morning here your plate we got to go" I said handing him his food "where y'all going" he asked sitting down "the mall with the girls and Elijah I need to get us something to wear for graduation" that's half true the school flooded so they pushed graduation to August 25 which is in a month "okay I'm going with the boys I should be back at 7"

I nodded "tell daddy bye" they walked over to him and he sat them on his lap "be good listen to mommy and stay close to Elijah. Love you" he said and kissed there cheek "lwove you twoo" they kissed his cheek. "Now go pee and get y'all bags" they walked off I was about to walk out till Chris pulled me in his lap "you not going to say bye to daddy" he asked rubbing my thigh "nope" I giggled next thing Ik he pinch me and that shit hurt "¿Qué mierda Chris (what the fuck Chris)" I said rubbing my thigh. My grandma friend Ms.Rose taught me Spanish I speak every once and a while "hush now give me a kiss" I pecked his lips but I want more so I deepened the kiss he pulled away I got mad "the kids baby" he said laughing at me "fine" I got up "but tonight it's all mine" I whispered while rubbing CJ. He groaned and I stopped and pecked his lips "rweady mwommy"

~at mall~

"So Maddie what really going on with you and Brandon?" I asked she sighed "to be honest I don't know we act like a couple but we're not. My fear is one day I see him kissing a hoe and be like wassup and he say 'we not together' I mean I just don't want to look stupid"

"That's how it was with me and Rio at first" Peaches said "what did you do" ask Maddie "I went up to him and was like 'are we together or nah cause I don't have time for game' and that's how you got to do it show him you don't got time for games" Peach said "alright" we kept walking "Elijah stop walking so fast with the girl on your arm" I said "yes auntie" he slowed down

"You tell Elijah about the baby yet" I asked Peaches "yeah he happy he said he hope it a boy" she said smiling I nodded and I checked the time it 5 "let's go I still need to get ready Chris will be home at 7" they nodded. We said bye I put the girls in the car and drove to my daddy house. He watching to girls tonight he want to spend more time with them. We get to his and I ring the door bell my dad open it "POPO" the girls scream and jump on my dad "hey my 4th favorite girls" he picked them up "hey babygirl" he said to me "hey daddy where Ebony?" Ebony is my dad's wife we know each other 2 months and she already like the mom I never had "right here sweetie" she said coming out the kitchen "NANA" the jump out my dad's arms and ran to Eb "I got to go see you tomorrow love y'all" I said hugging everyone and walking out to door.

I got home and got to work. I cook his favorite: fried chicken, spaghetti, and cornbread. I made our plate and sat them in the oven. I went to and put rose petal all over the room and put some smooth jazz on. It's 6:20. I took a 30min shower and put on my red and black lingerie and black red bottom heels it's 6:55. I got to the kitchen heat our food and sit it on the table then I hear the door open


Hey so next chapter gone be Rated R i kind of got the sex scene down but if you think you got a good one

kik me- queen_jasmin


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