Chapter 4

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Let me know who should play Maddie and remember Maddie and Brandon got something going on and Brandon is played by August Alsina so who every y'all comment them got to be cute with Brandon


Chris POV

Jasmin and the girls leave I turn around to see the guys looking at me "what?" I asked "my nigga y'all JUST started back talking and you already sprung" Rio said "man fuck you" I said mugging him "naw I'm gone leave that to Jas" he said while him and B laughed there asses off. This nigga got jokes. "Don't make me go tell peach about the time you you cried cause you couldn't get no pussy" I said with a smirk that nigga closed his month real fast ha.

"Ha but we still got that drop tomorrow night?" Brandon asked I sighed "yeah man I hate that we got it tomorrow night I really just wanted to spend time with Jas and Elizabeth"

"yeah Ik but if we keep doing this by the time we graduate in a few months we well have enough money to last us a life time" Rio said "so who we meeting this time" Brandon asked "The Mexicans" I said "they some snakes so we gone have to go in there ready for whatever" they both nodded we was talking about random shit till my phone started ringing the number was unknown


Me: hello

UK: I see you and that fat bitch together I seen the little girl too I can't wait to taste her young pussy


UK: you well know when I come kill Jas and the little girl



I'm pisses TF of right now the girls walk in. "Bae what's wrong" Jas asked sitting in my lap "this bitch ass nigga call me about how he gone kill you and Babygirl and he said can't wait to taste Liz you know what" she ain't say shit she got up and grabbed her purse and called Liz

"ELIZABETH" she yelled Liz came running in "yes mwommy" she so cute "look in your bag and hand me that Vaseline" Jas said while looking in her purse "otay" Liz said. Liz gave Jas the Vaseline Jas put her purse down grabbed her backpack she pulled out some tennis shoe. Y'all ain't gone believe what she pulled out next...................................... A GUN A FUCKING GUN

" what are you doing?"I asked "that nigga what to taste something?" she chuckled "I got something for him to taste" she toke my phone heading for the front door. Peach and Maddie tried to stop her but she tripped them. Then Rio tried but she punched the shit out of him, lowkey I'm laughin in my head then Brandon tried but she kneed him in the ball. Oh Lord its my turn I jump up and blocked the door "Baby stop" I said "Chris get the fuck out my way before I shot you" she said calmly that's how I know she serious. "Jasmin where are you going" I asked "to kill these niggas. Nobody and I mean NOBODY is going to hurt my baby. I am not gone let people hurt her like people hurt me" she said with tear rolling down her face. Peaches got up quietly and snitched the gun out her hand Jas was about to attack but I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder "CHRIS PUT ME DOWN" She yelled but I ignored her. She was hit my back I took her to our room and dropped her on the and kiss her before she could yell. I ripped her jeans and panties and stared rubbing her clit "N- no Chris I have to p- protect E-Elizabeth" I ignore her again. I slowly put 2 fingers in her and pumped in and out "FUCK CHRIS DONT STOP" she screamed I went faster and started licking her clit "AHHHHHH FUCK DADDY DONT STOP" I started going faster and harder. "IM CUMMMMMMMMMM-" she couldn't finish her sentence cause she exploded all over me I came you to see her knocked out. I kissed her forehead washed hands and went down stairs to see Brandon with MY frozen corn on his dick, Rio got some frozen peas on his face on his face and the girls got ice on their ankles "bro she don't play about her baby thats for sure" Brandon said we all got agreed "Where she at?" Brandon asked "sleep" we all said together together "dang how y'all 3 know?" he asked shock "cause we hear her scream 'Daddy don't stop '" Peaches said we all laughed then Liz came in "dwaddy I dwon't want to have a awngel giving" she said about to cry "you not baby you want some McDonald's?" she got so excited "ywess dwaddy" the crew left. Me and Liz went to get the food. I got Jas something for when she wake up.

We got back to the house we ate and watched a little Dora. It's now 9:00pm it time for Liz to go to sleep "come on baby bedtime" I said getting up from the couch "but dwadddddddyyy" she whined "Dwora still on, pweaseeee" she giving me the puppy dog eyes I really want to say yess but I can't "No princess lets go" I said cutting the tv off she signed "otay dwaddy " we went upstairs I gave her a bath and put her on one of my shirt and put her in the bed "goodnight princess" I said kiss her forehead "nwight dwaddy" I went to down stairs and got jas food then went to our room she was up changing the sheets. "Hey baby" she said "what happen to calling me daddy?" I said with a smirk "whatever nigga give me my food" I laugh gave her the food and took a hour shower I came out put one some boxers and got in bed. Jas came in the room with a pair of my boxers and a t-shirt she got in bed "baby I'm sorry about earlier I just want her to be safe" she said looking down I lifted her head "I know baby and she will be I promise now lets go to sleep" we laid down "I love you baby" I said wrapping my arms around her "I love you too"

the only thing I got to say is somebody just stared a WAR


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