Chapter 14

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The FULL chapter





London POV

Me, sissy, and Eli have been sitting in the dark nobody has came and talked to use. On the bright side Eli helped me and sissy with our English "Sissy do you think our boyfriends miss us?" I ask "idk sis I hope" she said "I don't like them niggas" Eli said "oh hush I miss mommy" I said "I do too and daddy" Liz said

Somebody opened the door. It was dark so I couldn't really see

"Hello little children" a creepy voice said "Hi Mr I'm London that's Liz and Eli" I said politely I felt I sting on my face. I started crying, then I heard a slap and Liz started crying"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO TO MY SISTERS" Eli screamed the lights came on "is that's anyway to talk to your................ FATHER?"

Chris POV

I'm going crazy without my baby girls😩. I cheated on Jas. So she sleeping in the guest room it's 3am I can't sleep cause later today we going to get my babies. We would be going right now but some of our best man are in Cali so they on the way back. Right now I just wish I could hold Jasmin in my arms.

I got up walked to her room and knocked "come in" she said "baby Ik you mad but can I just hold you?" I asked "baby I'm not mad anymore, come on I haven't slept right in 2weeks" she said smiling


"Ok y'all going to go in shot up everybody then Me,Rio, and B gone get the kids" I said "we going too" Jasmin said. This girl then lost her everlasting mind "no y'all not, not only will ya'll be putting y'all self in danger but the babies too. Now I'm gone say this one time and one time only, stay in this motherfuckin van, don't move, or make any noise. Might a fact don't take a fucking breath. Y'all understand?" I said sternly. The didn't say anything "I SAID DO.YALL.UNDER.STAND" I said raising my voice a little. They nodded " good lets go boys" they grabbed their gun we was about to about the doors "WAIT" Jas said "yes Jasmin?" I asked. Next thing I know she kissed me. "Chris please come out in one piece and have my kids with you" She said while tears rolled down her face. I kissed them away "I will babygirl" was all in said and exited the van

2 of the boys toke the guards out. While the rest of them went and toke all the workers out. Then Me, Rio, and B went down the hallway where it a metal door. Rio kicked it in. It opened and I see my girls crying, Eli mad and confused, and a man "BACK THE FUCK AND TURN AROUND" I yelled. I was shocked. It's Q. Q was our boy but he went MIA "DADDY" the girls screamed "yo dad can we go" Eli asked Rio "IM YOUR FATHER NOT HIM" Q yelled "WHAT" Rio yelled

"any nigga that will rape my mother and put her through pain will NEVER be my father"

"Take him back to the trap" I told one of my workers. They did as told while me and Rio got the kids "Daddy guess what Elijah taught me and sissy how to talk like big girls" Liz said I smiled "is that so?" I said "yeah daddy" London said "let's go home babies"

Me, Jas, Rio, and Peaches tortured Q and killed him. B burned the house down Peach told us that Q is Elijah sperm donor. We not mad she ain't tell us just surprised. Anyway I'm just glad that's behind us. Now we can live without drama.

Jasmin POV ~7 months later~

Hey y'all it's been a while let me catch you up. Oh and If y'all lost count I'm 19 now, the girls 5, and Eli 6. Ok me and Peaches had our baby I had a Boy and she had a girl. Maddie about to pop she having twins a boy and girl. The guys are about to get out the game. Me and the girls are taking online college classes. Daddy and mama (Ebony her dad wife) are good. Haven't heard from Destini (her real mother) in a while. THANK GOD. The kids are doing great. Right now we all watching a movie. The doorbell ring. "I'll get it" I said getting up opening the door. 2 kids a boy and girl who looked 7 or 8 "how many I help y'all" I asked while smiling "I'm looking for Jasmin Smith" the boy said "I'm her what you need" I said a little confused

"umm well your my mother..........."


I had to start this chapter over about 3 times. But I got it done just for y'all.

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