Chapter 7

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Jasmin POV ~few weeks later~

"Come Liz and London get up" I said shaking the girls "mwommy mwove" said London "yeah mwommy lweave" said Liz I popped both of them on the butt they jumped up "I told y'all asses to go to sleep when I had put y'all in bed last night now go get ready before I beat y'all ass" they got me twisted "We hwate you" they said storming out the room. I went to my room and broke down then Chris came out the bathroom and put me on his lap "baby what wrong" he asked rubbing my back "I-I'm a t-terrible m-mother t-they h-hate m-me " crying in to his chest "what happen" I told him what what happen "ELIZABETH LONDON COME HERE" he yelled they came " ywes dwad- mwommy wats wrong" Liz asked rubbing my knee "dwid dwaddy hurt ywou? want mwe to bweat him up?" London ask I couldn't help but laugh "no I ain't hurt her and you ain't gone do shit. Y'all hurt mommy feelings when y'all said you hate her. Do you want mommy to leave?" they started cry "Iwm sorry mwommy I lwove you pwease dwon't lweave" Liz said crying on my lap "mwommy dwon't gwo I lwove you Iwm sorry" said London "it's ok babies just don't say that again. Now go get y'all bags and coat" I said wiping their face "otay mwommy" the ran out "you feel better my little baby" Chris asked wiping my face "hush and yess. Do we HAVE to go the school?" I asked rubbing his chest "rubbing my chest not gone work "yes we HAVE to go Jasmin you want to keep your 4.o or nah" ugh I hate when he right "fine meanie" I said putting my shoes on "its February we will be done in June suck it up. Speaking of February your birthday in 2weeks what you want to do" I forgot all about my birthday lol "idk nothing I guess. Come on we still need to drop the girls off"

"Hey y'all" I said to the crew "hey sis" said B and Rio "hey girly how they girls" I told them what happen this morning "girl if Elijah said that to me I would have beat him till he had no ass" said Peaches this girl crazy fr fr. Elijah is Peaches 4 year old son no Rio not the dad she was raped. "Girl you crazy fr" we talked a little a went our separate ways. I'm in my English class doing my work when Kyra aka Thot come up to me "hey ms.piggy haven't seen you in a while where you been eatin" everybody started laughing I'm trying to stay calm "Kyra please get the fuck out my face" I was still doing my work. The I felt a sting on my face. This bitch slapped me. I got you in yanked her down to the grown and started punching her I knocked her out cold. Then somebody was hitting me I turn around it Renae (A/N: her 'BFF') "WTF Renae I thought we was best friends" I said getting off of Kyra ass "Bitch i don't like yo fat ass" I ain't even say shit I just knock her out too.

I went to the office I'm suspend for a week I'm piss. I left the school and went to pick my babies up.

~at home~

I'm watching Maury while the girls in they room planning their wedding. Yes their 'boyfriends' asked them to get married their ring is a gummy lifesaver it's to cute. I hear the door open. The crew and and Elijah walked in "hey auntie where my cuzos at" he asked lol he hang with Rio to much "hey sweetie, they in the room" he ran to the room I turn around and every looking at me "what" I said look at tv "don't what me come sit" Chris said patting his lap I got up and sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder "now tell us what happen" I told them "I knew Renae was no good" Maddie said tapping her leg. She does that when she piss "it's cool I'm not thinking about that hoe" I said playing with Chris lips "umm Jasmin honey what you doin with my lips" I giggled "playing, I like them" he started kissing my lip we was making out the somebody cleared their throat "we still here btw" said B I hid my face in Chris chest. Then the doorbell rang i got up a got I almost passed out

Ik its short but I just want y'all to have a little something. Share, vote, comment
Btw I didn't read threw it so sorry


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