Chapter 2

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Chris POV

What's up y'all? My name is Chris Devine Cole. But I go by King in the streets. I'm 18. I'm the biggest drug lord in Michigan. I'm a sexy chocolate brother lol. I'm 6 foot even(A/N: Lance Gross). I love baseball but that's not my main focus I got to focus on making this money. The only family is my grandma and my crew. But you will meet them later. My mom on that shit. God now where her ass at😪. My pops was killed in front of my when I was 13. My brother died in a car accident a few months ago. Life been rough but I'm still livin. Anyway Ik y'all probably like why you moving to fast with Jasmin? Well I'm not, I have known Jazzy my whole life the reason she don't know me is because her mom had beat her so bad one day that Jas went into a coma for 5months and lost all memory and I couldn't help her cause I had moved to Florida. That was 5 or 6 years ago. I had to come back cause my bro left me his empire. So when me and my crew got settled I enrolled us in school. When I ran into Jas I knew exactly who she was. I don't know why she trust me so much tho. I'm going to tell her everything when we get to my house.

Jasmin POV

I know y'all like why you trust him so much? Tbh I don't know I just have this feeling that I can count on him no matter what. I can't explain it I just......know. Anyway we pull up to this big house I'm guessing it's his. He got out the car and opened my door then he got Liz out the car.

"So are you mwy new dwaddy?" Liz asked


"Yes baby and I'm going to take care of you and mommy" he said cutting me off and smiling

"Otay daddy"

Chris unlocked the door. As so as we stepped in the house Liz took off running.

"Elizabeth if you don't bring yo ass back here and stop running I'm gone get my belt" I said sternly.

"Sworry mwommy" she said looking down. I got down to her level

"It's ok baby mommy just don't want you to get hurt ok?"

"Otay mwommy. Dwaddy iws this our house or naw?"

Me and Chris busted out laughing. This little girl to much😂.

"Yes princess now go watch tv while I talk to mommy when I'm finish I will show you the house okay?"

"Otay dwaddy" she said as she was about to run off be I guess she remember what I said cause she started walking. Me and Chris went to the kitchen to talk.

Chris POV

"Ok, I got to tell you some thing. Be first I need to ask you something" I said

"Ok go a head" she said

"Why are you trusting me so much" I asked she sighed

"Tbh I don't know it's just something telling me that you got me no matter what"

"Well the reason you feel that way is because I know you" she had a confuse look "I have known you since dippers. The reason you don't know me is because one day your mom had beaten you so bad that you went in to a coma and didn't remember shit. I was going to help you thought it's but I had to move away. I know you don't remember but it use to be me, you, Brandon, and my brother. Brandon is my best friend/cousin even tho we cousin we was raised in the same home so he more like brothers. He lived with me and our grandma home schooled us and she homed schooled you for 2 years also. I always loved you as friends and more then friends. When I ran into you at school I knew you was my JazzyPooh." I said looking in here eyes. She had tears coming down her face

"Why did you leave me if you love me? Why did you leave my here to get raped and beaten and pimped out WHY CHRIS IF YOU LOVE ME WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE?!?!?!? She yelled with tears coming down her face and pain in her eyes "Baby I had to they made me I even asked could you come I'm so sorry I left and I'm sorry you had to go through that alone please forgive me" I said

"Chris are you the boy that house I used to go over all the time and are you the boy the that I kissed on the cheek in the middle of the basketball ball court?" I looked up a her confused

"Yes I'm that boy but how do you know that?" I asked " I woke up in the hospital one day and the doc told me is was going to have memory lost and that I might get some back I didn't remember faces or names I remembered the shapes of things and how I felt about those things. I remember some stuff that happened between the 4 of us but I don't remember how y'all looked or sounded. I was in love with the boy that kissed me and still is idk why I still love him I just never stopped I guess" I looked up and started smiling "you love me?" I asked "if you him which I believe you are, then yes Chris I love you" I kissed her lips passionately I bit her lips and she opened willingly. Our tongues danced around. I wrapped her legs around my waist I was about take her clothes until I heard

"Mwommy Dwaddy can I pwlay?" Liz come in the kitchen and behind her it's the crew

"Yeah can we play?" Brandon irritating ass said

"No babygirl that's only for mommy and daddy now go finish watching tv"

"Otay dwaddy" she left the crew looked at Liz then Jas then me. Every one was confused except Brandon he was smile so hard I know I got to explain now for they go crazy

"I promise we will finish what we started" I whispered in Jasmin's ear she she giggled and pushed me away

She just don't know I serious as a heart attack.

Comment and vote. God bless👋


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