Chapter 15

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Mimi above😍. And TJ is played by a young Diggy Simmons😍






"What" I said shocked "umm your my mother...... I understand if you don't want-" Icut him off "come in baby what's your name?" I asked "Travon, but you can call me TJ, that's Minyara but you can call her Mimi" he said smiling walking in. Nobody saw we walked in. So I cut the tv off




They all looked at me everyone looked confused but Maddie was about to cry. So was Mimi "M-Mommy" Mimi said walking to Maddie. Got up wobbling to her "OMG my baby Mimi where did you go I looked everywhere baby everywhere I thought you was died" Maddie said breaking down Brandon help her sit down "umm before we discuss that, Chris when I was is that comma did I have a baby?" I asked "you was pregnant but your mom told me he die" He said I looked at TJ, Ik he is mine "I'm so sorry baby I should have woke up from that comma she took you from me Ik she did" I said crying hugging TJ "Mama it's ok you didn't know" TJ said. Daddy got up "ok Liz,London, Elijah go upstairs and play" they went "now let's start with Maddie"

Maddie POV

"Ok so Mimi is my little sister, I took care of her no one knew about her because people were after my mom and I didn't want her to be seen one day I get home and she's not there and go in my mom room asked where my baby at she said I got rid of that little bitch. I looked and looked and never found her" I said "ok now Jas"

"Ok well TJ said I'm his mother I believe him we look a like but how y'all find me" she asked TJ

"Well a lady named Ms Rose that would help us out with food told me I need to see you and that you my mom. She said you was raped a lot and beaten so when I was born you didn't know, she said your mom is the one who put me you for adoption but never told you" TJ said.

Jas was ready to kill her mom she claimed down a little and looked in TJ eyes "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you then but I want you to know I here for you now and forever I love you baby"

"I love you too ma"

Jasmin POV

"Ok now let's me introduce you to your family that's Auntie Maddie and Auntie Peaches, that's Uncle Rio and Uncle Brandon, that's Pawpaw and Nana and that's Chris you can call him Chris or dad it don't matter I already know him gone treat you like his own" I said every one looked at him with love he looked at Chris "I can really call you dad" he asked "of course I would be honored" Chris said smiling he hugged him "Mimi you know it's the same way with me" Brandon said smiling "ok daddy" she said smiling they hugged. Maddie started crying "here she go" everyone said "Ma what's wrong with auntie" TJ asked

"She about to have babies so she be crying a lot" I said. CJ or Naylah (rio and peaches child) started crying, Peaches went up and handled it "y'all want to meet the kids" they nodded. We went upstairs "y'all this TJ London Liz this you sisters and he y'all brother and TJ that's Elijah your cousin-" Elijah me off

"finally another nigga I was bout to die with all these girls" I slapped his head "watch yo mouth" I said sternly "anyways and this Mimi y'all cousin" I said "BRO BRO" the girls jumped on TJ "ha hey" he laugh picking them up. "CUZY" the got out of TJ hold and jumped on MImi "lol hey cuties" I went down stairs so they could get to know each other "what a night" I said sitting on Chris lap "Ikr I was not expecting that" Peaches said "I know as so as I wake up I'm going to beat my 'mother' ass" I said getting mad, Chris was rubbing my thigh to calm me down "calm down baby, you got him now nobody gone take him" he said softly I nodded and relaxed

A few hours later it was time for every one to be out. They left and I went to tuck my babies in I went to London and Liz room and kissed they heads "goodnight my babies love y'all"

"Goodnight mommy love you too"

I went to where TJ was sleeping we have to get his room together tomorrow I opened to door to see him watching tv "hey sweetie" I said "hey mama" he said looking at me "come on lights out" I said walking to his bed. He cut the tv off.

"Mama how we all a family if half of us don't look alike or have the same blood?"

"Baby I'm gone tell you something my granny always told me, she said

Blood don't make a family Love do"

"That's deep mama" he said yawning "Ik baby now go to sleep good night I love u" I said kissing his head "I love you too mama"


Hey y'all so this book only have 1 or 2 chapter left. I'm NOT updating if I don't reach my goal


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