Chapter 5

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So I decide that Nicki Manja will be playing Maddie and Jasmin will be played by Jennifer Hudson before she lost weight. and the little girl is Elizabeth
Jasmin POV

I wake up Chris is still sleep. I slide out of his grip around my waist. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I took my clothes off and got in the shower. I love showers the so relaxing I start singing I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross

I'm coming out [5x]

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show

There's a new me coming out
And I just had to live
And I wanna give
I'm completely positive

I think this time around
I am gonna do it
Like you never knew it
Ooh, I'll make it through

The time has come for me
To break out of this shell
I have to shout
That I am coming out

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show
I'm coming

I'm (coming out) coming
(I want the world to know)
(I got to let it show)

I've got to show the world
All that I wanna be
And all my abillities
There's so much more to me
Somehow, I have to make them
Just understand

I got it well in hand
And, oh, how I've planned
I'm spreadin' love
There is no need to fear
And I just feel so good
Everytime I hear

I'm coming out
(I want the world to know)
(I got to let it show)
I'm coming out

I want the world to know
I got to let it show

[Instrumental Interlude]

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show....

I cut the water off. As I'm about to get out I see a shadow I look up and see him smile "I see that's still your favorite song" he said I'm so embarrass "Chris can you get out please" I said looking down covering my body with tears in my eyes I tried not to let them fall but I couldn't. I could hear Chris steps coming to me. "Move you hands Jasmin" he said soft "No Chris I'm fa-" he cut me off "move your damn hands Jasmin" I slowly moved them looking down so I didn't have to look at him. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the full body mirror. He took his clothes off I guess cause I see them fall. He lifted my head "what do you see Jasmin" I sighed "I see a fat and ugly girl with a fine ass man that I don't deserve" I said with tears "you know what I see?, I see a fine ass man with a sexy, thick, beautiful woman that he don't deserve. I also see a sexy, thick, beautiful woman that's gone get her ass beat if she put her self down again" he said patting my butt on the last part. I giggled "ok daddy" I said with a smirk "yeah and don't forget it. Now get dress I got Babygirl" he slipped out some pants "baby where we going'' I asked while putting my bra and underwear on "the mall" I got sad again "Chris I can't I have no money" I said looking down he lifted my head "I got you baby alright?" "ok'' I smiled ''now put on something out mine" and with that he walk out

We pull up to Somerset Mall. We went over to the fancy side first (A/N: Somerset is a mall I Michigan and it has 2 buildings one build is like any other regular mall then across the street is the fancy side: Gucci, LV, MK, ect) first we went to Louis Vuitton I got 4 purses, 2 belts, and a watch. Liz got 2 purses and 2 belts. Chris just got 3 watches. Then we went to Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi, and Versace. By the time we were finish we each had 6 bags well me and Chris did Liz had 10 bag. Smh Chris need to stop spoiling her lol. We put all are bags in the car and drove across the street. We are in Macy's now looking a clothes for Liz when a little girl walks up to Chris.

Chris POV

We are looking for some clothes for Liz when a little girl walk up to me. "Excwuse mwe"she say looking up at me "yes sweetie" she give me a note

Dear Chris,

This is London your daughter. I hate this brat. She so fuckin irritating. I don't want her I don't give a fuck what you do with her just keep her the hell away from me got it? good now all her important papers are in her bag and she is 3. I'm on my way back to Florida so do come look for me in the mall

Bad Bitch Tiffany

I'm beyond pissed not because I have a child but because I missed 3 years of her life. Yeah Ik Tiffany we was fuck buddy's but she wanted to stop cause she wanted a real relationship. Ik y'all like how you know she yours. Well she look just like me so yeah. "Bae what's wrong" shit I forgot about Jas she got be pissed. I handed her the the note by the time she was finish she was pissed like I said. She balled it up and got down to London level "hi London I'm you new mommy and this is you sister Elizabeth ms that's you daddy. Your going to meet you uncles and aunties later now let's go shop" London got really excited so did Elizabeth "yay sissy!😋" they both said at the same time and then they went to look at clothes. Jas was about to walk away but I grabbed her waist "yes Chris" she said trying not to sounded sad and not making eye contact "baby please look at me" I plead "Chris I need to get to the girls" she said not still not looking at me "they fine please don't be mad" she sighed "I'm not mad Chris I'm disappointed, I wanted to have you first child but it is what it is. I will get over it I'm going to treat and love her just like I do with Liz. Now let us finish shopping cause I'm hungry" she with a small smile "I love you Jasmin" I said smiling "I love you too"

We finish shopping we also ordered 2 beds cause the girls want to share a room. Now it's time to get some rest before this drop.
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