Chapter 8

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Jasmin POV

My emotions are all over the place. I'm happy angry sad mad all of it "bae who at the door" Chris yelled but I wasn't listening "wtf do you want, you know never mind just leave" I slammed the door. I went a sat back on the couch. I heard the door open. My 'dad' walking in "Frank?" said Chris and Brandon in unison "Dad?" said Rio "DAD? WTF YOU MEAN DAD?" I yelled "that's my dad Jas, calm down" Rio said "I turn to my 'dad' "get the fuck out my house" I said calmly "no, let me explain princ-" I cut him off "if you won't leave I will" I got up a grabbed my keys and phone before I could step out the door the kids came down "mwommy are ywou leaving because of this mworning" London ask "we swaid sorry mwommy" Liz said about to cry "no no no I will never leave y'all. mommy just need some air I will be back later ok?" I said rubbing their cheeks "otay mwommy" they ran back upstairs "Jasmin" Rio said "what" I said harshly "just listen to him" I sighed "maybe later" I walked out the door I drove to the park. I was sitting their when something went over my mouth the I blacked out.
Chris POV

8. 8hours done passed since Jas left I have a bad feeling. My phone start ringing I think it Jas so I didn't look

(Phone Convo)

Me: "baby where you at" everybody looked at me. Frank/Jas and Rio dad still here. Frank was the biggest Kingpin back in his day. He the reason that Mel was on top. He helped us too.

???: "I got you fat ass bitches I told you I was going to going to kill and but I'm just gone give her this dick."


???:"I can't want to turn her out. But I want 25 million. Be at the old hotel down town in 2hour or dies"

(End of Convo)

"What wrong Chris" Maddie asked "you remember that guy that call me the day Jas went crazy, well he got her.........FUCK" Frank jumped up and looked on his phone "call the gang tell them to suit up Ik where she at" I'm lost "how" Brandon and Rio was calling "when Jas was born I had a tracking device put in her cause I was in the game. She about 1hour and 30mins away" thank you God "alright let's roll" here I come baby
Jasmin POV

I woke up with this HUGE head ache I trying to move but I'm chained up. I hear a door open and the light turn on I'm shock. "Will??" I said just above a whisper "in the flesh baby. after I kill you I'm gone get yo kids" this nigga cray "I'll fuck you up if you touch my babies" Will is my 'mother' ex/ my main rapist. He was the first and the one that took my V-Card I hate him. He kissed me I didn't kissed back. He started punching and kick me I screamed with ever blow. bout little more then a hour I blacked out past thing I heard was gun shots last
Chris POV

First we take out to Guards. I heard Jas scream then nothing I ran in this room to see a man picking up a lifeless Jasmin about to ran. But there is no where to go. He drop Jas and ran to a window but I shot him in the leg. The gang pick him up and took him to the trap. I picked my baby up and ran to the car. I'm in the back hold her and Rio drive. I notice she not breathing "GO FASTER SHE NOT BREATHING".

We are now in the waiting room "Family of Jasmin Smith" we jump up "how is she?" I ask "I'm sorry but Jasmin is........."
Haha cliff hanger but I need more fed back. I need y'all to vote and comment more or I will delete this story😕


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