An Avengers Christmas part 3 (PP)

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Your POV
I wake up and look out my window. I blink a few times to actually adjust to the light. It's still snowing. AND I LOVE IT! And.... ITS CHRISTMAS!

All of a sudden I get a text from Dad,

IRONDAD: Hey sweetie! Change into your winter clothes, eat breakfast and come outside!

                                     Ironman's child: ok dad!

I get up and change into my winter clothes.
I go downstairs and eat the breakfast dad had made for me.
I'm surprised it isn't burnt.
I eat it and go outside.
I don't see anyone.
"Hmm, where are they?" I ask
All of a sudden a bunch of snowballs hit me.
I turn around and look at and glare at them.
They're all laughing.
"Oh ho ho ho.... you're going to regret that..." I say and glare at them.

I use my powers,
(Yes you have powers. You have Magic like Wanda's,telekinesis,and you can fly)
And create a huge ball of snow and I throw it at them. They all look surprised and look at me with their mouths hung open.

I can't help but laugh.
They all run after me and I fly up and look at all of them.
"OK GET DOWN HERE." Dad yells
I giggle and come down.
"Ok we are on teams!" Dad says
"Team Iron Man And Team Captain America" Steve says
"So basically Civil War? With snowballs." I say
"EXACTLY!" Dad yells

"First some rules. Basically it's like dodgeball.
1 if you get hit you're out!
2 feel free to use your powers
And that's basically it." Dad says

"Team Ironman  over here!" Dad yells and everyone from that team goes over there, me included.

(I'm sorry if you're Team Cap, but since you're the daughter, I put you on his team. IM SORRY PLS DONT HATE ME.)

"So here's the plan. We ATTACK THEM WITH ALL WE GOT!" Dad says
"I like that plan." Rhodey says
"Hold one what about Thor? And Bruce?" I say
"Righttt." Dad says

"Where did that confidence come from eh?" Is ask him playfully and nudge him with my elbow.
"I don't know. Adrenaline rush?" He says
I just giggle.
"I guess I'll go on Team Ironman." Bruce says and walks over to us.
"OK. I GO WITH TEAM CAP." Thor yells.

"So we discussed the plan WE ATTACK THEM WITH ALL WE GOT! Y/N don't hesitate to use your powers." Dad says
"Wasn't gonna. I PLAN ON USING THEM." I say
"MWHAHAHAHAHHAHA." Dad laughs out loud.

"Ready?" Wanda yells from the other side.
"Yeah!" Nat yells

I throw one at Clint and he gets hit, he turns around and glares at me, I laugh and throw another one at him hitting him square in the nose.
"HA YOU'RE OUT CLINT!" I yell at him.
He creates a snowball and throws it at me but I fly up and dodge it.
I see dad and Steve in a fight, Peter is going against Scott , Sam is going against Nat ,and Bruce is going against Thor, I decided to go against Wanda cause I wanted a challenge.

"Hey Wanda!" I say and land on the snow.
"Oh hey!" She says and creates a big snowball with her magic
"Two can play that game." I say and make a big snowball with my magic.
I throw it at her and she does the same.
We both fly and dodge it.
"Ok. It's on Y/N." She says
"BRING IT WANDA." I yell at her
We get down and start flinging snowballs at each other with our magic.  I hit her and she's out.

"We're still friends right?" I ask her
"Yup! Still friends! This is just s friendly game of snowball fighting." She says with a smile.
"When it comes to Dad and Steve, it gets ugly." I say and laugh, she laughs too and walks over to where everyone who's out is sitting a fan watching the remainder of the game.

So now it's down to Me, Peter, and Dad from our team
And Steve, Bucky, and Scott.

"Well, well, well, looks like it's down three to three." Dad says
"How have the youngest survived this whole thing?!" Sam yells
"I'm small so yeah I'm kinda hard to hit." I say

(Sorry of you're tall!)

"And I just have really good reflexes." Peter adds
"I'm just competitive." Dad says and chuckles

"ITS ON TONY." Steve yells
"WANNA GO STEVE?!" Dad yells

"Oh dear." Scott says
"I'll get Bucky you get Scott?" I ask Peter
"Sound good to me." Peter says and smiles at me.

I smile back and nod.
"LETS GO!" I yell
And we start throwing snowballs at each other.
Steve and Dad get out by throwing snowballs at each other. And then after a while Peter and Scott get out as well because they both get hit by snowballs.

Now it's down to me and Bucky.
"WOOHOO! GO Y/N!" Dad yells
"WE BELIEVE IN YOU!" Nat yells
"GO FOR THE GOLD." Bruce yells
"GO Y/N!" Peter yells

"LETS GO BUCKY!" Sam yells
"GOOOOOOO!" Wanda yells

"Hey Bucky!" I say
"Hey Y/N." He replies
"Sooooooo, lets just get this over with." I say and make a huge snowball with my magic.
"Oh crap." He says before getting engulfed in a big snowball.
"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Everyone on Team Ironman yells.

"Good job sweetie." Dad says
"Thanks!" I say and give him a hug.
"I get that competitiveness from you." I say
"That's my girl." He says
"Good job Babe." Peter says and kisses me on the cheek,
"Thanks! It was so easy." I say
"PRESENTS NOW." Thor yells like a child and runs inside.
We all laugh and run inside.

We get hot cocoa and sit while we open presents.
I watch them all open the first one I gave them.
"And they have quotes... HOW DID THEY GET THESE?!" Wanda yells
"I have no idea, but I didn't question it." I say and smile.
"I got you guys 2 gifts actually." I say
"You didn't have to Y/N." Peter says
"I wanted to. Something for everyone that reminds me of a memory." I say

Wanda opens hers first.
"Awwwww! It's a necklace with SW on it!"
Wanda says
"Open it!" I say
"It has a picture of us! How sweet thank you Y/N."
"You're welcome!" I reply

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1119

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