Royal Love Part 2 (TH)

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Y/H/N= Your horses name

Your POV
You sit on your bed and wonder. Why would he want me to be there? He's choosing his wife and he wants me to be there. I mean yeah I'm his best friend but... it would hurt me to see he found someone. I would be happy yes but... mostly sad because I still love him as more than a friend.
I debate on whether I should go or not.
I sigh
"Maybe I shouldn't go..." I say
Then a crazy idea pops into my head.
What if I.... run away from all of this... just hide out... then come back... I think I could use that time... I grab my backpack and place some important things I need to survive. I write a note on a piece of paper and leave it on my bed in case anyone looks for me. I sobbed while writing it. So it was a little tear stained.

I put on some sweatpants , a shirt and a hoodie then go to the stables and get Y/H/N, I put on her saddle and get on (him/her)
(you get to decide if it's a boy or girl.)
"Lets go." I say

I get out of the castle without anyone noticing me.
Time to Hide.

Toms POV
I go to Y/N's room to check on her and see if she got the news.
I get to her room and knock.
No answer
I knock again harder this time.
No answer again,
"Y/N?" I ask
No answer
I try and open the door and surprisingly it was not locked.
I enter the room and don't see her.

I see a note on the bed though.

I pick it up and read it.

Dear whoever is reading this,

I'm sorry but I had to hide out somewhere, don't come looking for me, I just need time,
I will stay inside the kingdom, but I will be hiding out to clear my head, I was told today that I was invited to the ball the Royal family is having for Tom to choose his wife. I'm sorry but I can't come, it hurts for me to see that.
Ok now I'm rambling this was supposed to be just a note to tell you I'm hiding out.
I will be back soon, but don't expect me to back back in a week or so. I need a lot of time, by the time I'm back he would've already chosen a girl. Don't worry about me....

The note stopped there, it was also wet, but only little blobs of water, She was crying...
I found myself starting to feel angry and sad at the same time, but also a little happy because of the possibility of her liking me back...

But the anger and sadness were too strong to overpower the happiness.
I ran to the throne room to where my family was,
Paddy was happily playing on the ground with his toys and Sam and Harry were talking to each other. Mom and Dad were also talking to each other.
I burst into the room and they all look at me.
"Tom? What's wrong darling?" Mom asks
"Postpone the ball..." I say quietly
"Tom? What?" Mom asks
"Postpone it." I say a little louder
"Postpone the ball?! Tom everyone's going to be there!" Dad says and stands up

"But son-! This is impor-!" Dad starts
"Then we just have to-." Dad starts
They all look at me like I'm crazy.
My eyes start tearing up.

I run to my room but I hear 2 people running after me.
I start packing a few things that I will need.
"Tom what are you doing?" Harry asks
"Packing." I say
"For what?" Sam asks
"I'm going to go find Y/N." I say sternly.
"Go." They both sat in unison
"You're not going to stop me?" I ask and look at them confusedly
"We know how much she means to you. Go."
Harry says
"Stay safe though. We don't know how far away she is, or where she even is." Sam says
"Thank you guys." I say and hug them.
They walk out and I change into sweatpants and a shirt and bring a hoodie.
I go to the stables and find my horse
"Hey lightning." I say and pet him
He neighs in response.
"Lets go find Y/N, Yeah?" I say to him
He neighs happily in response
He's always loved Y/N, She would always take care of him, he was just a pony when Y/N started to take care of him when I was gone, the two have grown a bond.

I put the saddle on him and I got up on him.
"Lets go boy." I say and he starts running.
I don't believe she's in the town because she would have no where to go to, sadly her house was sold to another family after her adoptive parents and her moved to the castle, and most of her close friends moved to another Kingdom, or are out somewhere, I decided to go to the forest because her and I have a treehouse there where we would hang out all the time when we were younger. It was deep in the forest but we would always ride lightning there together.  She has her own horse, she named it Y/H/N.
Why didn't I realize Y/ H/N was gone too? Man sometimes I'm dumb.

"Do you still remember the treehouse lightning?" I ask him
He neighs happily in response,
"Go!" I yell and he runs faster then he originally was.

We get to the entrance of the forest and slow down not wanting lightning to get hurt from stepping on something that could hurt him. We slowly walk into the forest.

*30 minutes later*

*30 minutes later*

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There it is... man this place is just as beautiful as when we left it... Y/N and I actually designed it... we didn't like any of the designs they showed us so we made our own. And it was just like we imagined. The lights were on so someone was in there. And only Y/N and I had keys because we didn't want anyone in there. Its was our special place. When one of us was sad, we would ride our horses here. Y/H/N was outside eating. I put lightning there as well so he could rest and eat something.
I grab my key from my bag and go up to the treehouse. I put the key into the lock and unlock the door.

That escalated fast. Ok so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1149

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