Best boyfriend ever. (PP)

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Your POV
My uterus was trying to kill me.

Mother Nature decided to visit.

That one week in the month has come.

School was literally the worst thing today.

I could tolerate it on a daily basis. But when that one week comes everything goes terrible.

I can't focus on anything. Eating anything cold makes me gag and everything hurts.

Peter didn't know. He wasn't at school today because he had to stay home and take care of Aunt May since she got sick.

It was currently the weekend.

My period started on Friday.

I sat on my bed watching Netflix.

(Whatever you want to watch.😂)

Then Peter texted me.

Spider-boyfriend❤️💙: Hey u ok?

Spiders-girlfriend💜: No.

Spider-boyfriend❤️💙: Is it that day again?

Spiders-girlfriend💜: Yep.

Spider-boyfriend❤️💙: I'll be over in a few minutes with the tampons/pads, chocolate, snacks, heat pads and cuddles.

                         Spiders-girlfriend💜: You're the best boyfriend ever.

Spider-boyfriend❤️💙: Love you, see ya in a few minutes!

                       Spiders-girlfriend💜: Love you too Pete.

I set my phone down and smiled at how lucky I am to have Peter in my life.

Peter's POV
When I texted Y/n I was in my suit.

I swung over to the local store and found the stuff Y/n needed. i was looking at the tampons/ pads but didn't know which brand to get her.

The old lady on my right was looking at me.
Her husband was looking at me too.

"Spider-Man?" She asks
"Hey, I know you!" Her husband says

"Yeah, hello!" I say waving.

They both wave back.

"Watcha got there sir?" She asks me

"Some stuff for my girlfriend. But I don't know which ones she uses." I say

"Just get them both, let her decide which one." She says

"Thank you." I say

"Thank you so saving Queens by the way, it's nice having someone besides Tony Stank taking care of us. We need a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man around." He says

"Thank you Mr..?" I say

"Lee. Stan Lee." He says
"This is my lovely wife Joan." He says wrapping an arm around his wife.

"You two are a lovely couple." I say

"Thank you. And you keep doing what you do." He says pointing a finger at me.

"Of course sir." I say

"Excelsior. That's something I always say. It means upward and onward to greater glory. And you dear boy, are going to do great things in your future." He says

"Thank you sir. Have an amazing day." I say

"You too young man." Ms. Joan says

"And if you run into Tony Stank tell him I say hi!" Mr.Stan Lee yells after me.

"Of course sir!" I yell back.

I gather everything that Y/n needed and payed for it.

I also paid for  Mr.Stan and Ms.Joan.

And before I left they bought me two churros.

They said "You are going to do amazing things. Starting off small and then you'll be great. Now go take care of your girl."

I thanked them and swung off into towards
Y/n's apartment.

Your POV.

There was a knock on my window and I got up and opened it.

There stood, well not really stood, he was on the ceiling, was Peter in his suit.

"Hello." He says and I can tell there's a smile on his face.

"Hi." I say and smile then walk back to my bed in pain.

He comes in and closes the window behind him.

He takes the stuff and places it on my bed.

Then I hand him his clothes that I like to take and he changes in the bathroom.

He comes out in his sweatpants and a a t-shirt.

I was currently wearing my Midtown high sweater curled up in a ball.

It helps with the pain sometimes.

Peter gets in bed next to me and cuddles with me while I eat chocolate and slowly unfurl from my ball like state.

Peter takes the blanket and places it over both of us.

He took the heat pads and handed them to me and they felt nice.

"I love you so much Peter." I say

" I love you too Y/n, so much." He says

Then he tells me all out what happens in the store, he also talked about how that nice couple bought him 2 churros!  They sounded like a sweet couple. The husband sounded really funny, he is probably a really cool dad when I think about it.

After telling me everything we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

And yes I did do a cameo in honor of Stan Lee and his wife Joan Lee.
May they Rest In Peace.
I might make more cameos.😁
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:811

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