You help her a lot... (PP)

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3rd person POV

Tony Stark was annoyed.

At his own daughter and the Spider-ling, as he called Peter Parker.

He would see them sleeping in the same bed.

He would get annoyed because they're too young to bow chicka wow wow.

(I don't like using the word.😂)

He knew they were still kids and very responsible at that. But he was still worried about his daughter getting into something she didn't want.

They were both only 15.

He was sat in his lab and he hears someone walking outside the lab.

He sees you walking with Peter hand in hand and laughing and smiling.

He couldn't be mad at Peter. He saw the kid as his own son.

Yeah, it sounds weird calling the boy his daughter is dating his "son".

He made you happy.

Even with you two sleeping in the same bed sometimes.

He knows you two don't do anything but, he still gets worried.

He smiles a little at the sight of his daughter smiling.


Tony was working late in the lab when he hears crying.

He looks up and heads out of the lab.

He follows the source of the noise and it was in your room.

He knocks on the door and after a few moments you open the door with raw cheeks and tear filled eyes.

Tony sees you in this state and he frowns sadly.

He pushes past the door and embraces you into a tight and comforting hug.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" He asks

"I-I has a nightmare about loosing Peter, Nat, Thor, everyone. Especially you dad." You say and start crying again.

Tony didn't care that you were soaking his shirt with your tears.

All he cared about in this moment was you.

The one thing besides Pepper that meant the world to him.

He couldn't bare to see you in this state.

"Sweetie look at me." He says softly.

You look up at him.

"You are never going to loose me. Or Peter. Or anyone. Know that alright?" He says

"Ok Dad." You say quietly.

"I love you sweetie." He says

"I love you too dad." You say and hug him again.

He stays with you until you calm down and you go back to sleep.

He stays for a few minutes then kisses you on the forehead and walks out.


You've been having the nightmares for weeks now and Tony is worried about you.

It was now 8pm. You usually sleep at 9 but you were fast asleep because of your busy day.

Tony say that you were asleep and prepared himself for your nightmares again.

He was mostly preparing himself for seeing you cry.

But about 30 minutes passes and he didn't threat you crying.

He walks by your room and your door was open.

He peeked in and saw that Peter was laying next to you.

He was about to get annoyed again that you were in the same bed as A BOY.

But he saw you were sleeping peacefully.

Peter had an arm wrapped around you and he was playing with your hair and his other hand was holding your hand.

He looked at you so lovingly and adoringly, and he had a soft smile on his face.

Tony looked at Peter and smiled.

He truly did love you.

Tony closes the door completely and he goes to his room to sleep.

(Why do I feel like the song "you raise me up" by Josh Groban should be playing at this part???😂)

*A few weeks later.*

You haven't been having nightmares at all.

Peter's been there the whole time for you and you've been better.

And Tony sees that.

You were in the living room with Peter watching a movie while Tony was in the kitchen.

"Hey kid, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks

"S-Sure Mr.Stark." Peter says and gets up then walks over to Tony.

You look at both of them and smile.

The both smile back and Tony leads Peter to another room.

"What do you need Mr.Stark?" Peter asks Tony.

"I... I just wanna say thank you." Tony says

"For what sir?" Peter asks

"For Y/n. You see shes been having these bad nightmares for the past few weeks and since you've been here....she's been better. You help her a lot." Tony says

"Of course sir. I love Y/n with all my heart and when she told me about them... I couldn't stand seeing her like that. She said the worst part about her nightmares was loosing you. She really adores you Mr.Stark. She tells me she couldn't ask for a better father, or a better person to have raised her. She loves you Mr.Stark." Peter says looking up at his mentor and father figure.

Tony has tears in his eyes.

"Mr.Stark are you crying?" Peter asks

"No!" He says wiping his eyes.

"Talk about this to anyone, I will take away your suit. And not let you see Y/n anymore." Tony says

"Y-yes sir!" Peter says quickly.

The two walk out of the room and see Y/n sitting on the couch watching her movie.

Peter sits back next to her and Tony pats him on the shoulder.

"You have a good boyfriend Y/n." Tony says

"I know." You say smiling at Peter.

"But guess what dad?" You say and look at him.

"What?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"You are the best Dad ever." You say smiling.

Tony smiles back and gives you a hug.

After you hug Tony goes back to his lab thinking about how well he raised his daughter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count: 978

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