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It was late afternoon when Travis Hudson and his wife, Heather were driving down the road to their old house and barn. They were happy to be going home after a delightful morning of grocery shopping together. As they turned into the driveway, everything was quiet between the two weds as a naked grown man ran across the field and towards the barn.

"Travis!" Heather grabbed onto Travis' arm.

Travis slowly stopped the car when he laid eyes on the naked man and together, the couple watched as the naked man ran across the field, jumped the fence, and ran into the side door of their white and old barn.

"I think there's a naked man in the barn," Heather slowly said.

"Yup," Travis replied.

Travis nodded slightly to himself and then pulled out his phone. Dialing his daughter's number, he pulled the phone to his ear and waited for the line to pickup.

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

I was busy cleaning my friend's apartment when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I was down on my hands and knees cleaning under a bed and the second my phone buzzed, I jumped up and slammed my head on the bed frame.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"You okay?" Jordan, my best friend called out from the bathroom.

"Yeah," I say, rubbing the back of my head.

I get up and pull my phone out from my back pocket. The screen displayed my father's picture and name on it reading; Travy Wavy. I clicked the green button and pulled the phone up to my ear.


"Yeah," my father started slowly. "We've got a man here at the hou--"

"Dad," I cut him off. "If you are seriously trying to get me hooked up with another guy, Im sorry but I'm not intrested!"

I heard rumbling on the other side and furrowed my brow when I heard dad yelling.


It was my mother Heather.

"Yes Ma'am?"

"There is a naked man in our barn! I need you to get your ass over here and take care of him!" My mother yelled.

I stood silent with my face in an awkward mixture of a double chin and a duck face. I heard Jordan walk over and look at me with the same weird face.

Did I hear naked man? Jordan mouthed to me.

I nodded.

"Um," I start. "I'm on my way."

"And hurry! Cuz he's buck ass naked and I don't want anything happening!" My mother yelled again before hanging up the phone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it back in my pocket. Looking over to Jordan, I pursed my lips, trying to give her a hint to what I needed.

"You need my car don't you," Jordan gave me a flat expression.

"You know me so well."

I smile and pat Jordan on her little head before skipping over to the door like a 7 year old. Jordan followed behind me and grabbed her keys, sighing so heavy she might as well just sigh her way through life.

"Why don't you have your own car, (Y/N)? You're 172-years-old and still don't have a car!"

I stopped and turned around, looking at my best friend for a second.

"I'm 22 Jordan. I thought I told you never to bring that up," I scold Jordan.

Jordan shrugs.

"Here, old woman, let me take you to your parent's house."

"BUT I WANNA DRIVE!" I whine like a baby.

Jordan puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"Let me," Jordan pauses. "Take you to your parent's house."

I pouted and then looked out the window. 


Jordan smiled brighter and walked out the door. I sigh and follow Jordan. She wasn't wrong, I am technically old but she promised me, from the first day we met, to never bring up me being a mutant. EVER.

As we drove down the highway, I laid my head on the car door and let the wind blow in my hair and in my face. I loved the feeling of wind on my skin. Made me feel alive.


"That's my name, don't wear it out," I joke.

Jordan sighed again.

I sit up and look at Jordan. Her hair was pulled into a side braid, pulling all of her hair out of her face. The loose strands found themselves out the window.

"Why do you not like people knowing you're a mutant?" Jordan asked.

I sigh and look at her with a defiant look on my face. Jordan returns the look and I look away.

"When I was born, in 1837, I was normal. No mutations, no powers, nothing. I was just another kid. It wasn't until my father came home one night when I was 5, drunk and enraged from a fight. He came home and began to hit my mother with not just his fists, but with objects. So I ran to help by jumping on him and scratching at his face, but he caught me and hit me too.

"When he hit me, he cut my stomach with a knife and pushed me away. Thats when things started happening. I noticed that my stomach had healed and I wasn't bleeding. I felt odd, you see, I felt like there was something wrong with me, and that's when I noticed it. Two large claws had come out of my wrists and they extended over my hand and past my fingertips by an inch or two. They were made of bone and were pointed at the end, sharp you could say. It wasn't until my mother screamed again had I run over and kept fighting, puching, pulling, and biting until he left. Then, when my mother saw me, she was scared to death, more scared than what my father made her. She called me a freak and told me to leave, so I did.

"Ever since then, Jordan, I refuse to let people know I'm a mutant, because I don't want them to think I'm a freak. I don't want them to bail on me or throw me out. I don't want to live that life. Not again. So I had these people take care of me. They know what I am, so they adopted me and ever since then, they've loved me like I was theirs."

I sigh finishing my explanation and wait for her to respond. She was silent as we pulled into my parent's driveway and it wasn't until we parked, had she turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"I will never bail on you, (Y/N). I will never call you a freak. You are weird sometimes but you aren't a freak. I love you for who you are and will never ever think about leaving you," Jordan cried.

"Thank you, Jordan. How could I ever repay you?" I say and hug her.

"You can repay me by getting that naked man out of your parent's house and calling me to pick you up asap. We've still got my apartment to clean!" She said before letting me go.

I laughed and got out of the car, looking at her one last time before closing the door and letting my best friend drive off into the distance.

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