Updated Cover

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Hello Hello, My lovely readers!

  I'm only updating to let you all know that I have updated the cover for this book!~ I knew it needed a new update because the previous one was so pixelated and old. I do hope you enjoy this one and find it a lot more appealing!

As for the second book, I am struggling to get to it. I have lost all means of motivation to continue. I have no ideas, no motives, but I have a starter. If anyone would like to help out, I can PM you the start of it and I will let you add in some ideas. Many people are asking for the next book, but I am so stuck and lost in the dark. Please, if you have any ideas, don't be scared to shoot me a message.

Don't be afraid to shoot her ^ a message too! She is my co-author and she is such a sweet and warm welcoming girl. She deserves all the credit for this book, for I would never have gotten this far without her. Please, so check out her books and give her some love!

Anyways, again, your author is running out of ideas and I need some ASAP in order to continue this series. 

-Respectfully, Undiscovered Secrets

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