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~Jordan's P.O.V.~

"We need to leave NOW!" A man said, slinging a naked and soaking wet (Y/N) over his shoulder as he walked into the room I was hiding in.

How did this prick find me.

I stormed up to him. "Oi! Where are her clothes?!" I demanded, whirling the makeshift bat around in my hands.

"I don't know!"Sarcasm rang in his words. "They took them off! Now we have to LEAVE!"

I stood there looking at this huge man and then-like I didn't realize it already-noticed that (Y/N) was naked. Completely naked. "Hey! Gimme (Y/N) you perv!"

The man turned away, pulling (Y/N) out of my reach. "What? No! I saved her, I deserve to carry her. Plus, you're tiny as hell and she's a lot heavier than she used to be."

"How the fuck would you know?" I squinted my eyes. "And how do I know you aren't with them?"

The man let out a frustrated grunt, then held out one hand like he wanted a fist bump. I was actually about to give him one until three metal claws shot out from between his knuckles. I yelped.

"Sweet baby cheesecakes! That's awesome!" But even over my fangirling, the thumping of those fabulous boots was heard in the corridor. The man and I glanced at each other, silently communicating.

I really want a pair of those boots.

We have to jump for it.

Unfortunately, a group of soldiers passed by the room we were hiding in, and one person actually decided to check the place.

"H-!" He didn't get to finish. Jumping forward with my bat in hand, I tackled him and cut off his powers of speech, harshly pressing on his larynx and making him choke. My eyes flashed when I recognized Herald.

"You, are going to stay absolutely silent." I told him, pressing my desires into his mind. "Also, give me your boots."


I stood, smiling while Herald struggled out of his boots. "Right." I told the gaping man. "Let's be off."

We set off for my parents house. Sadly, it was the last place I wanted to go and the first place, Mr. Claw hands wanted to go. I, of course, argued but, of course, lost. 


I wonder if the theory of whales being giant dogs millions of years ago is true. That would be so cool. I want a giant dog, though I am NOT cleaning up after it.

"Here, (Y/N) might get cold." The COMPLETELY random man that had saved both mine and (Y/N)'s asses stood in the doorway of my old bedroom, holding a thick jacket I didn't really recognize. I just gave him a deadpan look-thanks for interrupting my thoughts-and moved so he could see the multiple thick quilts that my parents had piled high on top of my pale and naked best friend.

"Well, I'm Jordan, (Y/N)'s best friend, and probably the reason we are all in this mess." Damn, stupid truth serum. It's still affecting me. "I'm a mutant like you guys, but (Y/N) doesn't know so please don't tell her unless I say so. Right about now I'm realizing y'all should really hate me but I'm just kind of happy we're all safe and I got new boots. Please don't kill me."

The man stared at me akwardly for confessing all of a sudden. Him and I sat in silence for a while, making my awkward confession seem even more awkward.

"So, who are you exactly?" I asked, taking a deep breath. The man huffed and just brushed past me to sit next to (Y/N), who has been unconscious and almost dead-like for three hours now. "Oi! I was talking to you! I do not tolerate rude people." He still just kept gazing at the lone figure on the bed, gently caressing the side of her face.

That self centered prick. You don't ignore me!

"Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd~"

"Jingle bells! Batman smells! Robin laid an egg!"

"Been readin' books of old, the legends and the myths-"

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up, pal?" Hmmm. He sounds exasperated.

A shifting creak caught our attention. (Y/N) gasped and sat up quickly, her eyes opened, a little glossy, but she managed to crack a smile when she saw us.

"To answer your question, Logan. No, she really doesn't."

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

I think I may have died. I don't know how to explain it but when the water suddenly felt so heavy on me, and my body felt so hallow, I think that's what death might have felt like. My soul left, taking my life by the hand and soaring into the deepest parts of hell, where I belong. 

I guess this is how I have to be now. Maybe doing that operation--

The operation.



Oh I'm gonna kill that Major. I gonna cut him up, feed him to the birds, kill the birds, and feed those birds to the sharks, hoping the sharks would also die and rot at the bottom of the sea, where nothing else matters than the other dead marine animals. Im gonna--

But wait.

I'm dead. 

How would I ever do that if I can't even manage to wake up. Is this what being dead feels like? Just feeling like you're floating in space and contemplating what you'd do if you ever woke up? Questioning life as time sped by back in reality. Was this even reality? What if I'm not dead and just went to sleep? What if none of this really happened and I'm just dreaming?

  "I do not tolerate rude people." 

Jordan! I could hear her voice! But it was disant, far from where I was, so I followed it. I followed the sounds of Jordan's voice singing different songs as time passed by. 

Jeez Jordan, I hope you didn't annoy the guards with your singing.

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up, pal?"

It was Logan. I could hear Logan's voice, and right in front of me. I reached out to the source of this voice and everything went white.

I gasped, breathing heavily as I opened my eyes, as if I had woken from my crazy nightmares. Looking around me, I spotted Jordan, who was standing and reaching her arm out to me. Then I spotted Logan, who was directly right next to with his arm on the bed I was on.

"To answer your question, Logan. No, she really doesn't."

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