Chapter One- Saw A Demon

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Tre's POV;

Once again it's that time of the year. The time where angels and demons have a singing competition. The time where I get weird looks from the demons and get laughed at because of the stupid white clothes we have to wear. The time I hate because I usually have to sing, but this year I didn't have to sing because my voice is acting up a little. This year I plan on ignoring everyone and staying away from the demons.

I looked at my watch and realized it was five minutes until the singing started. I was going to cheer on my best friend Mike tonight. I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door.

I sat down just in time for the show to start. First off was a demon, he looked familiar but I'm not sure who it was.

"Hey, I hope this isn't anyone's seat cuz it's mine now." A boy said as I sat down beside me. I looked at him and noticed he was a demon, but he was gorgeous. He had black hair that was spiked up a bit. I noticed his eyes were green. A beautiful green. I also noticed he was wearing eyeliner.

"I'm Billie Joe." He said. I think he noticed i was staring at him.

"Oh um I'm Tre." I said with a smile. I know God told me not to talk to any of the demons but I couldn't control myself. Usually I can't wait for these things to end but tonight I want it to last forever.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" He asked. I felt a little afraid so I quickly looked away.

"Hey it's alright. You wanna ditch and go to my room?" He said with a wink. I suddenly began to feel a little nervous. What was I getting myself into?

"Sorry I gotta-"

"Too bad." He said then snapped his fingers. Next thing I knew I was laying on a bed.

"Finally we're outta there. That place was fucked up." He sighed. Personally, I liked Heaven but I guess he was just used to Hell.

"Wh-Why'd you take me to Hell?" I asked.

"Because your white clothes piss me off. Change." He ordered. I shook my head.

"I have to go back to Heaven. I promised my best friend I'd cheer him on tonight." I said nervously.

"Oh, well... Well since your so innocent I suppose I could let you go..." he said as he began thinking.

"Pl-Please." I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked shaking in fear.

"I'm going to throw you in the lake of fire." He whispered in my ear. I quickly let go of his hand and backed away.

"I was just kidding." He laughed.

I faked a smile then he took me back to the singing.

"Aw sorry but it's already over." Billie grinned. I sighed.

"How long were we down there?" I asked.

"Hmmm... Half an hour." He answered. Half an hour? Maybe I passed out for a while or something...

"Aw don't be sad there's always next year." He said as he stood up and fixed his black shirt.

"Hey, is my eyeliner smeared?" he asked as he pointed to his eyes. I shook my head.

"No it's fine."

"Great, well, I'll see you later." He said looking at me but not making a move.

I looked away. "Okay. By-Bye."

"Goodbye Tre." He whispered and left. I immediately felt disappointed. To tell the truth, I didn't want that beautiful creature to leave. I mean he is a human but with wings and sharp teeth. Well he don't really have sharp teeth but he does have wings. It's going to be a long time until next year...

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