Chapter Seven~ New Demon In Hell

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Tre's POV;

Honestly, Satan terrifies me. When I look at him, I shiver in fear. Of course, he can't hurt me, but dang he's scary.

"So, you want to be a demon, yes?" Satan asked.

I quickly nodded. "Yes."

He grinned. "Good. This is great. However, you can't let anyone know you came from Heaven, okay?"

"Okay." I said quickly. I'm scared...

"Drink this." He said tossing me a small bottle. I looked at it for a second.

"What is i-it?" I asked.

"It turns you into a demon. It may take a few hours, but you'll be a demon. You will probably get fangs, some people do, and some don't. You may get wings, and a few other things may happen."

I thought for a second before drinking whatever was in the bottle. It tasted awful, but I somehow managed to drink it. I made a face at how awful it was.

"Great. You may want to go lie down for a while, you'll probably feel weak."

I nodded and went back to Billie Joe's room. He was laying there on his bed, looking at the ceiling, but quickly jumped up when he saw me.

"So, how'd it go?" He asked.

I shrugged. "It uh... It was okay. I had to drink something and it tasted really bad."

He chuckled. "Yeah. Come lay down."

I didn't waste anytime laying beside him. He wrapped his arm around me and gently kissed my head. I nuzzled his neck and gently kissed it.

"Tre, I love you." He whispered. I gently smiled.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

I began to think of Mike. I wonder if he's mad at me... I didn't even get to tell him goodbye. Maybe later I'll sneak into Heaven and see him.

"I feel sleepy." I said with a yawn.

"Then go to sleep." He whispered and then I fell asleep.


"Tre!" I heard a voice yell. I quickly jumped out of bed.

"What? What's going on?" I asked.

"Y-your a demon now." Billie said staring at me. I felt different. Really different. I felt of my teeth and I defiantly had fangs. I also had wings. Black wings. My tongue felt different. It was slightly split down the middle. Like a snakes.

"Damn." Billie said.

I was a little scared. I wasn't myself anymore. I wasn't an angel anymore. I was a demon.

"B-Billie. I-I'm scared." I whispered.

"Don't be scared, babe. You'll get used to it quickly. You look amazing." Billie promised.

"O-okay." I said and sat on the bed. Everything felt different.

"Are you okay?" Billie asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"Just calm down, you're just freaking out. Just breathe."

I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. I repeated it a few times, until I began to calm down a little. I don't know if I'll get used to being a demon or not.

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