Chapter Five~ Something Special...

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I just want to say thank you guys for the comments (: sadly though it won't let me comment back to you guys ): But, I'm glad you guys like this. And since your so sweet I give you another chapter.

Billie Joe's POV;

It's really boing when Tre leaves. It's like all the fun is gone away. I wish he could stay down here with me, forever. But what if something bad happens, like with Adrienne... No, I can't think like that. That was so long ago. That was in the past and things are different now.


"You're so beautiful." I said to the angel in front of me. She smiled at me and blushed.


"What's your name?" I asked.

She giggled. "Adrienne. What's your name?"

I smiled at her. "Billie Joe."

She blushed and smiled at me. "That's cute."

"Not as cute as you." I said with a wink. She blushed deeper.

"Would you like to come see Hell with me?"

"Oh, sorry, I-I can't." She sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get in trouble for it. If we get caught, I'll take the blame."

She hesitated but slowly nodded. "Okay, but only for a little bit."

I grinned. "Deal."

I took her hand and laced our fingers together. She sent a smile toward me, which I returned.

"Well, this is Hell." I said to her. She looked around, exploring the place. A smile appeared on her face.

"It's beautiful down here." She said.

I nodded. "Yes. Do you like it?"

"I love it." She smiled.

"Good. Maybe you could stay down here with me?"

She nodded. "Maybe."

I closed my eyes, hoping to get things off my mind. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. I looked out the window to see the small lake of fire I took Tre to earlier.

I smiled at the thought of Tre. He's so sweet and amazing. He's so beautiful. How could an angel like him end up down here? He's way too sweet.

His blue eyes are perfect. And the way he smiles, always makes me smile back at him. Everything about him is perfect. I wish I knew a way to get him to stay down here with me.

"Jason?" I said looking around the room. He was sitting on the floor, drawing.


"Isn't there a way to make Tre stay down here with me?" I asked.

"Force him like you did Adrienne." He suggested.

"Jason, I'm never letting that happen again. I was stupid. But now I'm serious, I can't stand a second without Tre."

He chuckled. "So, you love Tre?"

I nodded. "Of course I do."

"Well, maybe if you show him how much you love him and ask him to stay, then maybe he will." Jason said with a shrug.

I grinned. "Good idea, Jason."

Now I just have to think of something special to do with him...

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