Chapter Nine~ Mike?

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while guys ): but here's a chapter.

Tre's POV;

I sighed happily when I woke up beside Billie Joe. I softly nuzzled his neck and kissed his cheek. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I tried to move out of his grip, but I accident woke him up.

"Hey." He yawned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm just glad I woke up next to you." He said with a smile. I gently kissed his lips and nuzzled his nose.

"You mean the world to me, Billie Joe."

He sat up from the bed and pulled me on his lap, looking into my eyes. "Every time I look into your eyes I know we're meant to be."

I pecked his lips over and over and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered in my ear and kissed my head.

"So... I have to go see my parents today. Wanna come?" He asked after a while of silence.

I shook my head. "No thanks. I think I'll just stay here."

He pouted. "Why?"

"I doubt your parents would like me."

"They'll love you." He promised.

"I think I'll just walk around Hell today." I said.

He groaned. "I hate going to my parents and it's going to be worse without you."

"Then why are you going?"

"Because it's one of those damn family meeting things, you know. I hate going to those but if I don't then all I'll hear to a year is bitching." He sighed.

I chuckled. "You need to stop cursing so much."

He grinned. "Sorry angel." He teased.

"So, when do you have to leave?"

"Ten minutes." He whined.

"I'm going to miss you." I pouted. He kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll be back soon."

I watched as he got up and dressed. He spiked his hair up a little and put on eyeliner. He gently kissed my lips before leaving. I decided to go ahead and get dressed too.

I looked around to find Hell looking beautiful today. I was beginning to like it down here. I liked the trees the best. They weren't green, they were black without leafs on them. So I guess they were pretty much dead.

"Tre!" I heard a voice. It sounded so familiar. It sounded like Mike.

"Tre!" I heard the voice again. I turned around to see Mike running toward me.

"Mi-Mike, what are doing down here?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"I just... Really missed you. Heaven is boring without you, Tre."

I smiled. "You know God will be mad if he finds out you came down here to see me."

He chuckled. "I know. God's pretty pissed you that left."

"I didn't expect him to be happy." I shrugged.

"So, how are you and Billie Joe?" Mike asked as we began to walk.

I nodded. "We're great. He's really sweet, I like him a lot."

He smiled. "That's good, Tre. I'm happy for you..."

Me and Mike walked and talked for a while. I just now realized I've missed him a lot. More than I thought. I showed him around Hell, he said it was creepy but he liked it.

"Well, I better be going back before God finds out I left." Mike sighed.

I nodded. "Okay. I hope you get to come back soon."

He gently smiled. "Maybe. Goodbye, Tre."

"Goodbye." I said gently. And then he kissed my cheek. I watched as he blushed and snapped his fingers, disappearing.

That was odd. Mike's never kissed my cheek before. He's never kissed me anywhere. Maybe it's because he hasn't seen me in a while or something.

I shook my head and began to walk back home.

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