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jimin gave off a vibe that screamed 'don't fuck with me'. every sentence he said was in a strict and demanding tone. he basically interrogated the poor young girl, named minji.

but his interrogating lead to some useful information.

we learned that her mother had short black hair, was about my height, and walked like a penguin. that was it.

we walked around the mall, closely examining everyone we saw. there were a few short black haired girls, but none walked similar to a penguin. we had been searching for 10 minutes now, and i felt tired.

i sighed and rubbed my stomach, it growled in response, letting me know that i should eat something.

"jimin, are you hungry?" i asked, nudging him in the stomach. he glared at me, before ignoring me once again.

i couldn't help being annoyed by his shitty attitude, but then i remembered that he warned me that he wouldn't be nice. so i had no choice but to deal with it.

i looked down towards minji, who was humming the abc's.
"minji, would you like to eat something?"

she stopped humming, and a big smile appeared on her face. "can we have some chicken?"

chicken? honestly, i didn't feel like eating chicken, but i wanted to avoid making minji disappointed. i glanced towards jimin, who was occupied on his phone. i assumed that he was texting someone.

i considered asking him for his opinion, then realized that he'd probably ignore me and give me an attitude.

"i guess we're eating chicken," i announced, smiling towards minji.

"yayy! thank you unnie!" she exclaimed in joy, showing her cute eye smile.

i lead her towards a local fast food place in the mall that was just in sight, kang's chicken.

the store's sign was in bold, bright orange, giving off a friendly and open vibe to it. looking through the glass windows, i could see the orange tables and chairs.

as we neared the entrance, jimin cleared his voice.

"if you're going to eat chicken, at least pick some place decent."

i raised my eyebrows, "why? what's wrong what this one?"

he shoved his phone into his pocket and crossed his arms. he brushed his hair back before clearing his voice again.

"first of all, if the main dish here is chicken, at least make it taste like a chicken. the way the chicken taste makes me wonder if the employees here ever had chicken! "

he paused before continuing.

"chicken is supposed to be crunchy on the outside, and tender and juicy on the inside. but here, it taste bland! everytime i see or hear someone mention this place, i want to punch the person who created this sorry-ass restaurant."

i was shocked at his sudden rant about chicken, which reminded me of the time my unnie jisoo's tirade about chicken.

his was breathing heavily, his hands clenched in a fist.

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