~Pyromaniac~ Flame Grenadier x Citizen! Reader

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Requested By: kratos619
Thanks for being my first actual request request!

Fear. Complete fear. That's what everyone in this damn village was feeling, and they knew it. The COG troops should have been here by now so where are they!? I was never a fan of people since they always used to bully me and call me names, but I couldn't help but feel bad. My family was on another part of the planet so hopefully they were okay....

I was always A girl that loved fire, flame throwers were the best. Watching as they burned everything in their path was satisfying so I guess you could call me a 'Pyromaniac.'

I had kept a Sawed-Off Shotgun with me while walking through the streets. The horde decided to attack us in the middle of the night which took many people by surprise. Sadly, many people died and there was only a few people in the town now.

I ducked behind a building once I heard the deep voices of the grubs. I was not letting myself get killed today. I peeked from behind the building to see a couple of Drones talking. I braced myself and charged in, shooting my Shotgun at one causing the drone to fall to the ground bleeding. While I was reloading the other shot my shoulder. I hissed in pain as the bullet pierced my skin. I kicked the drone down to the ground and curb stomped him

"That's what you get you filthy gr-" Before I could finish my sentence a bullet whizzed past my head. I heard the gunshot of a longshot.

I glanced at the tops of the buildings to see where the bullets were coming from. I spotted a sniper on the roof top.

I was about to duck until I saw a certain type of Locust Drone run up to the sniper and kicked it to the ground

"A Flame Grenadier..." I mumbled. I knew this because after the poor sniper fell to the ground the other locust lit him up with it's Scorcher. The masked Locust then looked at me from the roof top, and ran down the stairs of the building.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!" I whispered as I duck behind a phew more buildings. I wished I had some armor like the COG had but I was never able to join the army, my parents didn't want me to be hurt or be anywhere near the Locust. Welp, So much for that.

I picked up a Snub pistol from a dead grub. It wasn't much but it had better aim then this Shotgun.
Once hidden behind the concrete walls of a house I peeked through a window. Where was that Grenadier....

I screeched when I felt scale like skin touch my soft (S/C) skin. I looked down to see long black claw like nails on grey bumpy hands gripped on my body.

I was scared to turn around, I already knew I was dead. I might as well knew what I'm gonna die by.... Once I turned around I was met face to face with a bronze metal mask that had a slit to see through and the Locust symbol on the forehead.

"P-P-Please don't kill me---" I muttered barley a whisper. What was the point of begging...I am going to die here anyway!

There was no response...only the masked creature grasping me tighter, like it was trying to show me affection.

I was beyond confused at this point since I was not expecting to be hugged by something that was usually hell-bent on trying to kill humans.

I saw the Scorcher was put down behind the beast, But I was too busy being glomped to get it. I decided to just focus my gaze on the slit that was on the heat resistant mask. Two glowing yellow eyes stared down at my (E/C) ones. I was kinda happy to be honest, this thing was not going to kill me at least.

The Flame Grenadier stopped hugging me and took something out of it's armor. Hand Cuffs. Or at least something that resembled them. I tried to run away but it grabbed me by the collar of my citizen clothes and held me still. It clipped the Handcuffs to my wrist and then to my other wrist. It then took a set of chains and clipped them to the handcuffs. Then I realized something. It was taking me prisoner-

"Hello Land Walker, I won't hurt you but I am going to have to take you prisoner. The queen said to kill the Land Walkers in this area but I'm sure she won't mind if I take you as a captive. As much as I hate to do it...." It's deep voice grumbled. Great, Just Great. I am a locust captive. Woo-

But...did it just say "As much as I hate to do it?" I had to ask.

"Excuse me, Sir? What did you mean by the last thing you said?" I asked as politely as I could. Polite? Wait why am I being Polite! If anything I should be kicking and screaming and pulling! But I didn't, maybe cause I didn't wanna be killed.

"Because, I don't know how to say this but, I have this feeling that I don't wanna hurt you. It's like that you are different then the other land walkers." It grumbled.

I huffed, I didn't know where this was gonna go (Lol same (Y/N) same.), But I might as well make the best of it.

The Locust dragged me to a gas barge and sat me on a seat, sitting next to me. I looked down at the handcuffs trying to think of ways to escape. None came to mind of course, that locust probably had the key.
I was tired so without thinking I laid my head against the Locust's shoulder. It seemed confused for a minute but then relaxed.

Soon after the Gas Barge ride we got off. The Flame Grenadier dragged me to where they keep the captives and opened a cell, dragging me with it.

The Flame Grenadier then shut the door and unlocked the handcuffs. I hugged the alien creature without thinking, it hugged back. Like I said, I never really liked Humans so...maybe having this Locust as a Companion or...something more might not be that bad.

I could love this Pyromaniac

(hhh- This was horrible- Idk where I was going with this sorry. Welp. Curse you writers block. Maybe you guys liked it idk- might rewrite this in the future. Anyways, see ya guys soon)

 Anyways, see ya guys soon)

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^^ Me writing this Lmao---

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