~Boom, Headshot~ Kantus x Reader 2

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Okay so Time passed from next part and you finally met the Kantus that spared you again. This is a Sequel to ~Enemies?~

Requested by : justthefnafpoeple I think- Correct me if I'm wrong.

It had been a while since your last battle with this particular Kantus.

You walked around with Delta team, Baird was with you guys this time around. He Kept flirting too.

You guys had to get to the Submarine for Azura to set off the weapon to wipe out the Lambent. You huffed and puffed running around Locust troops and taking them out slowly but surely. What you didn't expect was the Armored Kantus.

Armored Kantus were new to you, They were Elite versions of the ones you had met before, what made it worse was that they had bullet proof armor. You tried shooting at their armor, it bounced off. You cursed under your breath and darted under more cover.

You saw one of them "Stare" at you. You sighed and readied your Grenade, according to Marcus they were vulnerable to explosive weapons. You heard it snarl then throw an Ink Grenade.

"Shit..." You murmured and tried to dive out of the way while the Ink grenade exploded. You coughed and found yourself sleepy, weird. They weren't supposed to make you sleepy. You crawled out of the Black Smog as the Kantus stared at you, seeming to be agitated.

The Armored Kantus rolled to you, towering over you. This seemed...Familiar. It's clawed hand grabbed you and tossed you against the wall. You wheezed at the sudden blow, yelling over to Baird to help. Baird saw and charged over, the Kantus making quick movements and smacking him aside. Baird stumbled back.

"Damn Grub...." Baird grunted ran to grab a Torque Bow. You trembled, causing the Kantus to sniff the air then look down at you, its tongue flicking near your face. You growl under your breath and rolls out from under the Kantus' grasp. It screeched and followed you, determined. You grunted, this bugger was determined AF.

You rolled near Baird, causing the Kantus to roar. You laughed.

"Don't like Baird don't ya bugger!" You taunted causing the Kantus to give you a whine/snarl before charging towards you again.

"Baird. Shoot it." You looked to Baird, who was busy with an Elite Theron Guard. "Baird-?"

Suddenly the Kantus pounced on you, restraining you. It flicked it's tongue across it's face, causing you to grimace. It's teeth shown brightly. You felt like you were here before...That's right...That one battle where a Kantus spared you, was it...Attracted? You tried not to think about that....

The Kantus picked you up, Running away to where it came from before. It panted and growled like an animal. You squirmed. Then took a deep breath.

"B A I R D! D E L T A! H E L P!" You screamed causing the Kantus to put it's claw over your mouth and flick it's tongue again. Baird saw this and aimed the Torque bow he had got from the Theron Guard. He took a shot. The explosive projectile penetrated the Kantus' armor, then detonated.

You tumbled out of the Kantus' arms and rolled away while it gave an irritated squeak. You recovered then booked it back to Baird.

"Give me the Bow." You commanded.

"Why?" Baird asked.

"Because I'm taking this thing out." You explained. Baird nodded confused but gave you the bow. You looked to where the Kantus was, it was recovering. You ushered Baird to take on the other Locusts. This was your fight. You stepped closer, the Armored Kantus saw you, then stared at the bow. It acted like a betrayed puppy. You had a tinge of guilt.

"I'm sorry... Buddy-" You murmured, the Kantus stepped closer. You held the bow up, charging the shot.

"Forgive me...." You shot the Explosive, It stuck to the abdomen then detonated. The Kantus shrieked in pain, looking at you sadly. You shook your head, charged another shot at the head, and fired.



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