Chapter 4: Promises ( KISS ME)

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And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now
Kiss me,  Ed Sheeran
" Stooopppp!! " , I screamed.
" Nope. " ,he said and started again.
" Liam st-t-ooop. Please. " , I screamed in between laughs.
But he still didn't stop tickling me. I got a firm hold of his hand and pushed them away.
I playfully glared at him, " Liam Anderson, you're going to get punished, mister. "

" Ohh, I'm scared " , he mimicked being scared.
I let out a small laugh . We heard footsteps climbing up.
" Quick!  Pass me the physics book. ", I whispered to Liam.
I cleared my throat and started, " So,  the Principle of Quantisation states that when charge transfer occurs between two bodies,  it occu-"

The door swinged open and my mother peeked inside with a smile. " How's physics treating you, kids? "

" Just fine, Mrs. Payne. ", Liam said with a smile.

" Yeah?  I always had trouble with that one. Anyway,  dinner's ready. Come down quick. " ,and with that she left.

I let out a sigh. 
" Come on. "
" Let's go" , I said smiling. " Oh and you are seriously going to get punished, later. "

" I'll be waiting,  ma'am. " , he said with a smirk.

Dinner went peacefully. Dad and Liam went on and on about football. Jeez. Get a break  boys. After dessert, I went to the garden with Liam behind me.
Mom and Dad were in the living room watching some movie.

" Come here. " I patted the ground beside me to indicate him to sit.
I laid down and so did he. We both looked at the sky full of stars. So bright and beautiful. I always had a fascination for night skies.

"  It's so beautiful. "

" Sure is. " ,he said. I turned towards him and saw him looking at me. I chuckled and said,  " You aren't even looking. "

" I am. I'm looking at the brightest star. Your eyes. "
I couldn't help but smile at that.
" And your smile. " ,he continued.

I could feel the cheeks heating up.

"And the way you blush. At small compliments. "

" Okay stop now. Concentrate on the sky. " ,I said chuckling.

Few minutes passed and we stayed silent.
" I feel like oxygen is a drug. "

" What??" , he let out a laugh of disbelief.

" Yep. I feel that oxygen is a drug. It's a drug that we intake everyday. So,technically,  everyday we go one step closer to death, which is true. " , I smiled at him.

He was still looking at him with a weird expression. I sat up.

" Think of this hypothetical situation. What if oxygen really is a drug?  I mean,  we inhale oxygen everyday. And if  we stop stop breathing, we become restless and then we die. Same case for an alcoholic. Take the case of some one who can't live without alcohol for one day,  and if he doesn't drink alcohol, I'm pretty sure, he'll hallucinate and will too  become restless and well,  probably won't die, but he'd die eventually . " , I squealed with excitement . Yep, I'm excited about the alcoholic's death.
I always used to make these stupid theories. It helped me to look at the world differently.

" Kiss me. "

" What?  That's what you got from my two minutes speech?"

He crashed his lips onto mine. His lips felt like magic on mine. He pulled away breathing heavily for air.

" See? You're addicted to oxygen. " , I let out a small laugh.

He pulled me up and made me sit on his lap. " But I'm addicted to you more". He buried his head in my neck.

" You have a nerd for a girlfriend. "

"Don't you dare speak like that about my girlfriend. If nerdiness makes her what she is and gives her these super cool hypothetical ideas,  I love everything about it. "

I stared at him.  I just didn't know what good I did to get him. To get a second chance at love after my past.

" I love you, nerd. "

"I love you too, freak. "

I woke up feeling extremely tired. I absolutely couldn't sleep last night.
He kept coming back into my mind. The memories. Good ones. But bad ones more.
Why now?  After two years, with not speaking or seeing each other, suddenly why does he want to marry me?  I know this is some sick plan of his. But why?

I tried my best to forget him. I did date other guys, but that just made me feel worse. He was like a tattoo on my mind. I wish this drama would be over now.
I let out a sigh and went to the washroom. I did my morning routine . However his words kept on repeating in my mind like a broken record.

We'll meet soon, wifey.

Is he trying to do something? What are you doing Liam?  What are to doing to me?

I quickly went downstairs as I didn't want to be late for office.

" Good morning sweetheart " ,they chirped.
" Morning. "
I sat on the table and started buttering my toast. 
" So,  how was last night? ", my dad asked.
My eyes widened but I quickly composed myself.
" Good ".
" Good. You had your fun. But now we wouldn't like you to hang out in bars, Ashley. You're going to be engaged soon. "

Why the hell is everyone talking like him??

" Mom,  I didn't accept the proposal,yet."

She let out a sigh and went back to the kitchen.
I quickly finished my breakfast and wore my shoes.
" Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. "
" Bye sweetpie ", my dad waved.
" Ashley don't forget to return home within five tonight. We have a dinner with the Andersons. " ,she chirped.

" Whatever Mom. "
"Ashley. " she said in a stern voice.
" Yes mom. I'll try. ", I said with a sigh.

So this is your plan Mr. Anderson?  Good. Two can play this game.

And  we have chapter four here.
Don't forget to let me know your thoughts on this one.

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Cause your votes matter the most. It keeps me motivated and helps me write better and better.

How was the little sneak peek of the past?
Did you like the oxygen theory? I always make these different stupid theories of the world and life. Do you do it too?  If yes,  text me!!! I'm eagerly waiting for someone to share the same page as me.
We could be crazy together 😂😂
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Next update will be next week.
Till then,

Love you,

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