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Before y'all start reading I just wanted to inform that THE LEFT BROKEN WING is published, today itself, that is on 25th June,2019.

On 25th June last year I published BIYA so this is like a memory to celebrate! Also since this is a bonus chapter, it is kinda short. Enjoy!

PRESNT(a few months later)

I put the file with a force and sighed heavily. I absolutely couldn't focus, my right leg was bobbing up and down in impatience.

"Gosh, dude , you need to chill. She was been through this once-"

"But I was there with her the last time, Lucas", I cut him off as I massaged my head.

Lucas sighed and patted my arm, "She'll be okay."

I gave a brief smile and nodded. Suddenly the phone rang, making my head whip towards the device.

It was from home.


"Daddy, its Noah."

"Hey baby, where's mo-", but I was cut off from a shrill and loud scream coming from behind Noah.


"Was that mommy?", I asked panicking. She wasn't due until the next week's Saturday.

"Uh-huh, and she was to-umm, what was it mommy?", he said in a tiny voice which irritated me cause I was running out of patience. But he was a child and I reminded myself to be calm.

"Tell  him to hurry the fudge up!", I heard Ashley, "my water broke!"

Just what I thought. I hurried up and took my coat whilst keeping the phone connected. Lucas followed hot on his heels.

"Yeah", Noah told me, " She says to hurry up and make fudge cakes and that her water broke."

By the time he told me everything I was already walking towards my car, "Its alright buddy, I got it. Tell her that I'll be there in a second."


I hung up and pressed my feet onto the accelerator as I sped away from my office. I was with Ashley throughout the period of nine months, never leaving her side.

But today, today she begged me to go to office since I was lagging behind a bit. I remember almost putting up a fight with her but agreed in the end.

I was there in five minutes and told Lucas to take Noah in a different car. I didn't want him to see his mother in pain. That and also Ashley screams profanities when she's in pain. Sure I don't want to ruin the kid's future.

As soon as I got in, "WHAT THE HECK TOOK YOU SO LONG?!"

"Lucas", I whispered and motioned towards Noah. He immediately understood and took him to his car.

"I'm only five minutes late. What did you want me to do, snap myself to the house?"

"Look at you, arguing with a pregnant lady in pain", she said as I got her in the passenger seat.

" It sure seems like you're in pain, Ashley Payne.", I smirked at her.

"Just cause I call you daddy in bed, doesn't mean that you need to  crack dad-jokes, honey", she tried her best to smirk but failed miserably as another pain surged through her, "Now stop being a pain in my butt and drive the frickin' car!"

I hurried up and obliged.


That drive was probably the worst one of my life. I was panicking and then there was Ashley being all rude for fifteen straight minutes. Once inside the hospital, the nurse carried her in a wheelchair. I immediately found our gynaecologist and bombarded her with question.

"She's one week early! Is everyth-"

"It's alright Mr.Anderson. These things happen. Now, your wife is already dilating, let me go help her."

I nodded and slid down on a chair next to Lucas and Noah.

I heard Noah whisper, "Daddy forgot the fudge cakes. So mommy is angry, isn't that right, Unca Lucas?"

I smiled at his naivety and slowly the creases on my forehead relaxed, "Actually, today your baby sister is coming home."

"What! Really?"

"Yes buddy", I laughed.

"Really ? Really? Really?", he pestered not believing me and both Lucas and I laughed at that. He is just like his mother.


It almost felt like a year till the nurse came outside telling me to finally go inside. I held Noah's arm and told him to not fuss around inside the room.

Ashley sat on the bed holding the bundle of joy in her arms in a pink towel, slowly humming a tune. Her eyes looked up to find us and she gave a tired but genuine smile, "It's a baby girl."

I gasped when I saw her. It was as if the air around wasn't enough for respiration. She looked like an angel. My angel.

"What should her name be?", I asked in between tears.

"Emily", she said and gave a smile. Almost immediately on hearing the name, the baby twitched her lips and it looked like she was smiling.

I nodded and whispered, "Emily."

I handed her to Ashley and wiped away the tears as I sat near the foot of the bed.

"Aww baby, are you crying?", Ashley coaxed and frowned.

"Its just-just that, she's so angelic."

"I know honey.", she said smiling.

"And I can finally have sex with you."

She snorted, "And that too."

"Have what?", Noah questioned.

Oh Shnookerdookies.


So that was all about Bonus Chapter 1. Hope it was worth it , since I was so so so busy with college applications and admissions. Please comment and vote to let me know that y'all liked it.

I'll be joining University from 2nd July and so hopefully I'll be able to regularly update Left Broken Wing.

I am honestly freaking out about the first day in college and all, so if any one has any kind words to share please do here.

The 'Unca Lucas' part was inspired from Jared Padalecki's son calling Jensen Ackles.


Till the next update y'all,

Love you,


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