Chapter 30 : A friend (AMERICAN IDIOT)

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Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America
American Idiot,  Green Day
Picture of Emily above

I groaned and shut my eyes. Pulling the blanket above my face, I gradually started opening them .  But, almost immediately closed them and cringed as a horrible headache hit me like a truck.

I moaned and whined in bed, putting my head under the pillow.
"That'll only make things worse. ", someone said.

"Go away ", my voice came out muffled .

"Here. Take this. ", I felt the bed dip on the side.

"Seriously Liam, I'm not in mood to argue. I have a terrible headache. ", I whined pushing the pillow away from my head.

"Exactly. And I'm here to help. Drink the cold water. ", he said.

"I can't get up. ", I said after a moment of trying.

He rolled his eyes and put the glass on the table beside the bed.
Coming closer, he slowly but firmly, pulled me up and  I supported my body on the headboard.
Taking the glass from his hand, I drank the water.

"What time is it? ", I asked.

"It's noon. "

"What?!", I screamed but immediately closed my eyes as my head throbbed a little.

"So,  I slept throughout the day? Oh my gosh, isn't it Tuesday? ", I groaned face-palming myself.

"It's okay. I got Dorothy to help me with the files today.", he said looking concerned.

"Wha-What happened last night? Last thing I remember is dancing with Miranda on the - Miranda!  Oh shit, where's she? " ,I panicked, " Please tell me I did not let her drive in a state like that. "

"Relax,  she's fine. And no, she didnot drive in an intoxicated state. You told her to stay here. But I'm not worried about her. I'm more worried about you. You can barely handle alcohol and yesterday, you finished three-fourth of the entire bottle. "

"I did what?! Ugh! That explains the throbbing pain in my head. ", I groaned again, "But, what are you doing home at the middle of the day? Shouldn't you be at work? "

"I left early to, umm,  check up on you. "

I nodded suspiciously . The cold water had somehow made me feel better. And I pulled off the blanket to do my morning routine. But before I went inside, "Did I - Did I do something stupid yesterday, or like, said something stupid? ", I said turning towards him and frowning.
I had absolutely no idea what had happened last night.

"So, you remember nothing? ", he said scratching his neck.

"Umm, no. Why? Please tell me I did not say that I still believe in unicorns. ", I said hiding my face behind my hands.

He laughed, "None of that. But... ", he got up and came closer to where I was standing, " don't remember this? ", he said caressing my face.

I instantly blushed and blinked twice,"What? N-no. It ca-cant be. Tell me you're joking. "

"I wish I was Ashley. But all those pleasurable moans tell otherwise. ", he said.

My eyes widened. I got away from him putting some distance between us.

"No no no. How can I be so foolish? ", I whispered to myself whilst pacing the room.

Then suddenly Liam bursted out in fits. I looked at him all confused.
"You-you seriously bought that? ", he said in between laughs.

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