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Past(six months into the relationship)

"Will you be coming over tonight?", she said with a tint of excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah sure. We can rent out a movie to watch, plus I have assignments I need help with", I said getting my soccer gear out and leaving for the men's changing room.

I kissed Ashley lightly on her cheek and watched her turn pink in embarrassment, "Drive safe, alright?"

"Mmm-hmm", she nodded before walking out of my sight.

It has been six months that we got together, but she still blushes and shies away as if we got together yesterday. But her meek and bashful nature is what draws me to her. She was far, far better than Bella. Heck, she was her bang opposite. Only God knows why I had to put up with Bella for so long. That girl is a snake!

I brushed off my thoughts and headed towards the field.


"Good game Liam!", Andrew patted my back and I smiled in return.

"That was a fantastic shot!"

"Thanks coach", I quickly said before he could go on because everyone knew that he would probably stop never once he starts talking about soccer.

"Hey Liam, it's a Friday night, let's go grab some drinks", Tate offered.

"Nah man, I have to be somewhere. You guys can go", I said and headed towards the shower.

Once done, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my locker. I got a glimpse of my bare chest on the mirror and all I could think about was Ashley, wrapped around my body, in a heated motion, naked. I quickly shook my head and cursed myself for thinking something like that. We hadn't had sex yet. I wasn't planning either, I'd rather wait than push her to do something she wasn't comfortable in. But I'm a guy, these thoughts come to me naturally. When the girl is Ashley, only fools would not find her sexually attractive.

Once she became my girlfriend, the non-existent Ashley became known to almost the entire university, and needless to say but, my guy friends too. Every once in a while they'd talk about how hot she is making my blood boil. Although they did it to tease me , but if anyone talked about her like that, I always saw red. The thought of another man's arms around her makes me want to punch the wall. Yes I am mad possessive, sue me.

She is mine.

She will always be mine.

I'll make sure of that.

I was already driving when I checked the watch to see that it was already seven. I then checked my phone to see if there's any text or call.


It was really unlikely of her. She'd atleast text me if not call. But I brushed off the uneasy feeling as I parked in the driveway of her house. I pushed my hair into place, checked my breath and slung the backpack before getting out.

I rang the doorbell and was already picturing Ashley to open the door shyly and welcome me inside. Only, she didn't.

"Oh, welcome Liam!"

"Mrs. Payne, it's a pleasure to meet you", I smiled as I took in the petite figure that wore a black cocktail dress.

"Oh stop with all the formalities. Good thing you arrived , me and Harry were leaving for a dinner party. Since Amanda is out today too, we were feeling bad to leave Ashley alone", she nudged me in the arm playfully, "but now she was you to give her company."

I merely smiled when she began again, "She's upstairs."

"Thanks", I awkwardly said and ran up the stairs. I had been to her house many times before, mostly because my dad and Harry grew up to be close friends once they met six months ago. I knocked on her door before twisting the handle to open the door, "Hey Ashley?"

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