Chapter 32 : Crystal (NEVER SAY NEVER)

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We're falling apart,
And we're coming together,
Again and again
We're crawling apart,
But we're falling together,
Falling together
Together again

Never say never, The Fray

( I recommend this song to every soul.  God, TVD directors have some good music taste)

I crossed my arms and leaned back,  making myself comfortable in the plush yellow side-sofa inside Liam's study .

He was looking keenly at my face, as if trying to decipher something. It's been two minutes like this, and neither one of us has made a conversation.

After the 'we need to talk ' quote , he led the way to his mini office upstairs, while I followed him like a lost puppy, unable to think of something to dodge the situation.

Now here we were, sitting in absolute silence, while he is trying to read my facial expressions.

"What?!", I snapped unable to bear the awkward silence.

"You tell me. ", he said almost immediately.

I scoffed, "Okay, you know what Anderson, I'm really really hungry. So if you don't mind ", I got up, "I'd like to  satisfy my hung-"

"You are not going anywhere until and unless you answer my questions! ",he snapped and held my arms in a tight grip.

"What questions? ", I asked trying to get myself out of the deathly grip.

"Why the hell have you been ignoring me like I'm some plague?! "

"Ignoring you? Have you been blind all this time? I've been ignoring you since that day at the club when I first saw you. Now let. Me. Go. ", I gritted out.

"Don't play smart with me Ashley. You know what I mean. Why ha-"

"Cause you didn't think it was necessary to tell me, that's Emily was your EX-FIANCE! ", I yelled and with all my energy, I broke away from him.
Hot tears were falling from eyes, making my vision blurry.
But I quickly wiped them off.

"Because you spend so much time with her and do not even look at me!

Because you married me in the first place, and have now made my life a living hell!

Because it's Bella whom you chose over and over again!

Because two years ago, you cheated on me!

You betrayed my trust, my love and everything I ever gave you. Everything.
Because you knew how broken I was, and yet broke me even more.

Because you turned out to be just like Kyle. ", the name brought so many memories , but I quickly pushed them away.

I was breathing heavily and held onto the side of the desk to keep me from falling. Liam looked shocked by my outburst. I don't blame him. It's rare that I shout so much.

And before he could say anything, "Because I hate you!  I HATE YOU LIAM! "

I sat down unable to keep myself standing anymore. I was shaking horribly and just wanted the world to stop spinning.

He didn't say anything. So, I continued  or, atleast, tried to.

"And..... and even though I hate you s-so much, a part o-", I choked back my tears. Black spots appeared and my vision was getting horribly blurry.

"A part of me still-", I tilted back my head, as I was unable to breath.

"Ashley! Look at me. ", Liam was holding me in his arms. But I couldn't hear anything properly. It was all a blur. His face became distorted, until I closed my eyes and felt myself pulled up into the air.

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