Chapter 27 : Confrontation (SORRY)

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I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice

By once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times

Sorry, Justin Bieber
Important announcements at the end

I woke up to something falling. I jerked up from my bed and looked around. I immediately got off and went for my door. Opening it, I saw Ms. Brunette lying face first on the floor.

"And it just had to be you. ", I sighed giving her my hand.

"Stay away bitch! I just took a shower. ", she got up straightening her, well I'd  love to say clothes , but it was more like just an apron.

"So, ", I leaned on the wall, "you've permanently decided to stay here?"

"Pfft ", she scoffed, " no thanks. If it means that watching you everyday, then I think, I'll pass. "

"You, my dear, just voiced my every-morning thoughts. " ,I smiled and shut the door on the her and walked to my bathroom to do my morning routine.

I was standing in front of the mirror, brushing and thinking about yesterday. I and Mira planned and did a little bit of shopping.

Okay, I admit, a lot of shopping and just a bit of planning.
For now, irritating the hell out of the two was my main concern.
It was Monday, meaning, taking orders from Liam again. I ran down in my pink shirt and trousers that belled at the bottom. Being late meant more harshness from him, which I didn't mean to encounter today.

Reaching the table, I saw Bella and Liam sucking each other's face and Abigail looking at them with disgust. My heart sank a bit. Like it or not, somewhere deep down, his actions did hurt me. No matter how strong I pretended to be, or act like, he still affected me. My appetite soon vanished like a wind and I made my way to the front door as my heels clicked on the marble floor.

"Ashley! Ash-"

"Oh, hey Abigail. ", I said as I reached the huge porch in front of the house.

"Your breakfast? "

"Umm... It's okay Abigail. I'm not feeling well today. Why don't you have it instead? ", I asked nervously.

"Wait. ", she ran back and came quickly after, "take these. It'll help you get better. ", she handed me some pain killers.
If only she knew, where I'm pained, where the wound actually lies.
But I only muttered a small thank you and slid in the car.
"Let's go George. ", I sighed and looked out of the window, only to find Liam's gaze on me from the kitchen window.

For someone who brags about punctuality, he's not so worried about being punctual himself. I brushed away my thoughts and leaned back and closed my eyes.

The car stopped in front of the building and I got out. I thanked George for the ride and went in. It was deserted as I pressed the 23rd floor. Reaching there, I opened Liam's office room and saw everything was messed up.

Slowly I began my work. I picked up the files from the ground and began arranging them accordingly. Yes, I loved Phoebe, but somewhere inside, I had a little Monica in me. But don't confuse me as a control freak.

After that, I made coffee for both myself and Liam. From the corner of my eye, I saw him enter the office and walk past the mini kitchen. 

Okay so , no morning? Check.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to his room with the coffee in one hand.

"What the hell happened to this place? ", he shouted.

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