Chapter 12 : Kids(NEW ROMANTICS)

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Please take my hand and
Please take me dancing and
Please leave me stranded, it's so romantic (it's so romantic)
New Romantics,  Taylor Swift

My eyes shot open when I felt the bed shaking. It was almost morning as I could feel the soft early morning rays through the window's glass. Looking beside me I saw that I was the only one sleeping on the bed. Where was Liam? 
The bed jerked again and I stood up. But instantly I felt a bit light headed as I was still groggy from sleep. I walked towards the living-room-kinda  area of the plane, where we were sitting yesterday. I saw Liam looking at his phone while having coffee.

" Oh,  morning sunshine!" , he greeted.

I rolled my eyes and said,  " Why is the plane jerking? "

" That's just normal turbulence. Every plane goes through some. " , he said in a matter of fact-ly way.

I nodded and went to the washroom to clean up. Then going  to the kitchen and I poured myself a cup of coffee. The time's 8: 00 . So two more hours before we reach.
Letting out a sigh,  I sat down and looked outside. Now we could see the vast ocean. It felt beautiful. Absolute bliss. Smiling and closing my eyes I let the sun rays hit my face. A yawn escaped my mouth and I again drifted off to sleep. A short nap, I promised myself.

I got up to someone speaking on the microphone. The seatbelt sign was on. Which only meant that we had arrived. My eyes widened in excitement as I looked outside. Small islands could be seen with palm trees.

" Wear your seatbelt before acting like a kid", an all too familiar voice said from behind. I rolled my eyes and turned towards him. Giving him a tight smile,  I held up my you-know-what finger towards him and then did indeed wear my seatbelt.

I could now see the runway and we landed with a jerk. Finally the plane came to a halt and we grabbed our hand luggage. Liam opened his mouth to say something,  but I ignored and walked towards the plane door. Jake was standing with a smile,  " It was a pleasure travelling with you miss. "
I too  smiled politely at him and descended the stairs.

A man wearing black suit and pants came forward greeting us. A Suit?! In this weather?
" Mr and Mrs. Anderson, it's a pleasure to have you here. I'm Leon, your driver come guide for the tour. Shall we begin towards the hotel? "

" Yes please " , I said.
Liam glared at me and I gave him the what look.
"Couldn't you wait for me to speak?  "
" I'm hungry, okay?  Now move your legs faster. I don't want any delay in my breakfast. "

I scurried off not waiting for him nor his answer. The drive was enthusiastic as well. Leon told us about the various sites that we'd be visiting and the scenery outside added more to my excitement. I'd hadn't been out on a long trip in years. Probably last one was five years ago. And about Liam,  he can go to hell if he wants to. But I'll enjoy this trip.

We reached our resort and went to our room.

It was AMAZEBALLS! The bedroom was a room of my dreams

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It was AMAZEBALLS! The bedroom was a room of my dreams. I straight went to the bathroom. It's something I always did. Whenever we checked into a hotel,  the first thing I checked was the bathroom. My jaw fell on the ground when I saw the bathroom. It had a Jacuzzi tub right in the middle and an open shower area. From the balcony, the vast and endless sea could be seen. Man,  I love this. I could live here forever.
Some one cleared their throat from behind and I turned around.
" If you're finished with your childish acts , can we go and have breakfast? ", Liam said with a sarcastic smile on his face.
" The only child here is you. And yes let's go. But I first want to have a good long shower. "
He rolled his eyes, "Alright but be quick. "
Making sure he left the room, I stripped out of my clothes and went into the bathroom, wearing a towel.
"Shit I forgot to get the clothes. "
I had a habit of changing in the bathroom after completing my shower, especially while I was out on tours and stuff. I went to my bag and quickly brought out a pair of my undergarments and a short summer dress. This would do fine.
But right then Liam walked in and I looked at him in horror. There was only a piece of towel that was covering my body and the way his eyes roamed up and down my body , didn't help either. I blushed crimson red and tried to get a firm grip of the towel. I heard his footsteps and glazed down. Shit. Why couldn't I just have locked the door? He stopped near me,  a bit too near rather and bent down.
"We have a lot of time, darling. Today's just the beginning. ", he breathed into my ears, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
Unable to form words, I quickly ran towards the bathroom and locked the door. I heard him chuckle and  mentally smacked myself.
I sighed. There's only one thing left to do now. Wash off my sorrows and tiredness with the Jacuzzi treatment.

This chapter is kinda short and I'm really sorry for not uploading this sooner. I'll indeed update another time this week. I'm writing another story and so it's kinda keeping me busy.

Till the next time,
Love you,

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