Chapter 5: Boss ( BETTER)

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I used to cry to all my friends
But they would say, "I told ya"
Finally, I can breathe again
The weight is off my shoulders
I was warned but fooled by charm
And you, you deserve to be alone.

Better,  Meghan Trainor

I hurried towards the front door as the rain poured on heavily. Brushing my dress with my hands,  I walked towards the elevator. My secretary along with other colleagues greeted me on my way. It felt nice to be back to work.
" You have a meeting at two, ma'am. And Mrs.  Ellie has called you in her office. " , said Dorothy,  my secretary.

" Thank you,  Dorothy. "

" Have a good day ma'am. "

" You too, hun. "

With that said,  I walked towards my office. After keeping my bag and some files on the table I went to Ellie's office.
" Ma'am you asked for me? "

" Yes Ashley. Take a seat. "

As far as I remember, the sales have been pretty much high and risen rather recently. What can the news now be? 
" Is everything okay? "

" Ashley you're one of our finest employees. You've proved yourself quite worthy. Now,  coming to why I called you. I was thinking of allying our company. "

A long pause surrounded us.
" What? Why?"

" I knew you'd react like this. But hear me out. "
I leaned back in the chair getting comfortable.
" Our sales have been pretty high. It's true. But Ashley I want to make Panache a global brand. It's famous only in Michigan. I want it to be famous all over the world. I've already talked with the board of directors. They agreed to this. I'd like to know what you think as well, cause I want you to be the Personal Assistant of our new boss. "

" Me?  Are you sure? "

" I've never been more. Like I said, you have done really good work and  proved yourself. Congratulations on your promotion, Ashley Payne. ", she winked.

I was dumbfounded. All of this was too much to take in. First, the alliance and now the promotion. Man,  I don't know why but I do not feel so good. But then again,  this is what I wanted as well. To work at a respectable post of a top company.

" So Ashley, we have a meeting with the new members at two today. You in? "
I nodded slightly. But my gut feeling said something is wrong.
I've worked only 10 months. What did I do to prove myself in this short span?

I shook my head as if to clean the thoughts away and went to my office room to prepare the presentation .

Time passed slowly and I had almost finished everything. I just needed my pen drive to load the contents from my computer. Dammit,  where the hell did I keep it?

I heard a sound of door opening and saw Ellie peeking in.
" They're here. "

" What? But it's only 1:30 ! "

"Even I don't know why they are so early. But whatever, they are here now and we need to go. Come on. "

" Umm... I'll be there in a minute. "
She nodded and closed the door.
I broke down the office but still couldn't find the damn pen drive.
" Lets go ,computer . I guess you'll have to show them the slides. Pen drive isn't anywhere near. "

I hurried to the main hall. I was already running late.
I barged in, " I'm so very sorry. I'm la-"
My eyes widened at the sight before me.
Sitting on the chair with an evil smirk, Liam Anderson.

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