Chapter 6

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Dei's P.O.V


I came into Nitta's room, & she had the biggest, scariest grin on her face.

"Soooooo, you got laid finally ?" I asked jokingly.

"Fuck you. But dude, look at this shit." She said point at the screen with the remote. I studied the screen for a long moment. My eyes widened, my heart sank, tears filled my eyes. It was mentally impossible to speak.

"W-w-who's house is that ?" I manage to say, I took another look, & I dropped my phone, & ran out of her room. "DEI !!!" Nitta screamed. I slipped my Toms on, & my hoodie, took my keys & darted out the door. I ran as fast as I could to get to him. Tears pouring down my face as I ran, hyperventalting as well.

I arrived to burned house, paramedics, & police surrounded. Neighbors out watching, scared. I rushed & skidded to the medical truck.

"Excuse me Miss, but you canno-"

"That's my boyfriend, please." I pleaded, crying. He looked over at me, bloody, burned & bruised. I held his hand tight, tears pouring. I couldn't believe this happened to him. He wasn't the greatest guy out there, but he sure as hell didn't derserve to have this shit happen to him. They loaded us on the paramedics, & we drove to the hospital. Sniffling, & shaking, I kept my eyes on him.

*    Working on Brad at the Hospital.    *

"Well, he's not in the best condition, but he alright. Besides the black eye, bruised cheecks, & some ribs broken, he is gonna be okay," the nurse said, while checking her clipboard, "although, he will be on medications for the next few months, & he will have to go physical therapy. If you dont mind me asking, what made all this happened ?" She asked. I took a deep breath, & sighed.

"I honestly don't even know, I found out because of the news. I'm so glad he's gonna be alright. Thank you, so much." I said happy. The nurse led me the way to Brad, & she left us alone. I pulled a chair next to him, & just waited for him to speak. My heart beated slow, as if I didn't have a pulse.

"Hey sweetie," I said, placing my hand on his chest, "I love you. I hope you can here me. IF you do, please do something." I said with tears coming. I laid my head on the hospital bed, & cried. After 4 minutes of crying, he started to move, & placed his hand on my head. I looked up with a smile.

"Don't be sad. I deserved all this. I broke you down, & broke your heart. I'm sorry for the shit I put you through. Your actually the first girl I've ever truthfully loved. Baby, I love you. I want you to know this. I love the fact that you came down here, with me, & waited until you can talk to me. No other girl would've ever done that to me. For whatever reason happened today, I learned from my mistakes, & I felt really bad for doing what I did. Shouldn't have never had sex with her, or even thought about having sex with her. She was nothing compared to waht I had, until what I lost today. I know I may sound like a simp right now, but honestly, I don't give a fuck. I just wanted you to know, that I love you, & I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, & only you."

Tears filled my eyes, I couldn't believe what I just heard. He basically just asked if I wanted to marry him. I held his hand tight, & leaned over & kissed him. It wasn't one of those kisses like 'Oh, that was it?' Nawe. It was one of this kisses that y'all got back together & had a clean slate together.

Turned out, I stayed the night with him at the hospital. Of course I didn't havea phone to tell NItta or anything. I looked over my shoulder, & Brad was out cold. I reached over, & took his phone to call Nitta. A shocked look appeared on my face. Why does he have Nitta's number ? They ain't cool like that, the fuck. I didn't wanna be a snoop, but I coudln't resist. I went threw his messages. My eyebrow went up when I read this particular message. 'Aye, Marc said have the gang ready & bring the guns, theres gonna be a fight going down.' Could this be ? Was my sister & boyfriend in a gang, & neither of them told me ? I couldn't believe him, & her ! MANNNNNEEE ; Niggas now a days fucking tripping, I thought to myself.

I decided to not call Nitta & just walk home. Even though it was a far ass fucking walk, I made it home within 45 minutes. "HEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO ! Any nigga home ??!" I yelled up & down the house. Nitta oped her door up, & gave me a death stare. "Well, don't you look dashing." I said making a heart towards her. She looked at like a hungry zombie. I gave her an 'up & down' look.


"But, thats not why I'm hollering. Im hollering cos you didn't tell me, you & Brad had a gang going on." I said crossing my arms.

She sighed in disappointment. "Look, I wanted to tell, you I just didn't know when to tell you. I was gonna tell you tonight, but your fucking ass never came back." She exclaimed. I walked towards her, & put my hand on her shoulder.

"You could've told me, I wouldn't have flipped out like I did just now cos, you didn't tell me. Further more, you & Brad together in a gang ? BWAH, the devil is a lie. Ohhwee, but nawe, I ain't really upset I mean that's cool." I said shalantly.

"Why you staring like that ?" She questioned me. I took a deep breath, & asked her.

"Can I be in the gang ...."

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