Gangster 4 Life.

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Chapter 1


"Damn, I really hate that stupid bitch !" I said, punching at the wall.

"Deiannaira, calm the fuck down ! You almost hit me. The hell ?" Nitta said.

"I will NOT calm the hell down. You don't understand how much I hate her. On God, if I see her outside of school, I'm taking off on that bitch, & I don't give a fuck." 

"I understand that you hate her with a passion, but it doesn't need to go that far either. You know ?"

"Yes, I know. & I don't care."

Oh how I hated her (Haley) so much. I remember we were the best of friends in middle school. We would do everything with eachother. We would go to pool parties, house parties, dances, & school events with eachother. But, then it came. She decided to date the guy that changed everything. Not to mention her perfect little boyfriend messed everything up with us. She was blind by his looks, which I clearly didn't understand, cos he was even that cute anyways. He would flirt with eveyone he laid eye contact with. Even me. He would try to do everything with me. I learned from my mistakes of being her friend. Always starting shit. There ALWAYS drama when we were together hanging out. & she acted so childish, but hey, those days are over.

"Hey ! We're gonna miss the bus. Let's go." Nitta said shaking me.


As we waited for the bus, I noticed my friend Kaytee stumbling towards us. With his red, lazy eyes, he hugged me. Not so sure if I should ask but I did anyways.

"My nigga, are you high ?"

"Nawe nigga, I'm laughing til I cry."

"Well, who crapped in your corn flakes."

The bus driver opened the doors, & we climbed in. The usual stare from the driver looking at us. I don't know why, he just does. Sick ass perv.

We arrived to school very quickly, I must say. Nitta & I waited at our usual spot for the rest to come. It was a beautiful morning, I'll admit. The way the sun came up brightened my Monday morning.


How did I know ? Marcanthony Crump. The baddest kid you may ever know during highschool. The one you may meet high almost every morning. The one who gang bangs like there's no tomorrow. The one who knows almost every girl in school, even freshman, most likely cos he's fucked em.

"Shuddup Marc, it's too early for all your ghettoness." Nitta said with a smirk.

"Best friend." He said.

"Little boy, I am NOT your best friend. You got me oh soo fucked up, my nigga." Nitta said.

I tried so hard not to laugh, but I epically failed. He looked at me with his lazy eyes, like he getting ready to do something.

"What nigga ? Talking shit ? Nigga, scrap !" He said.

"Nawe, fuck you." I said laughing, going to first period.

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