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"Look at that little nose."

"Look at those tiny hands, they're so small compared to mine."

"Congrats dude. Just beautiful."

"Thanks Elton, look, so precious."

"Vegas was so worth leaving."

I open my eyes to see all the boys.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Hi handsome."

I yawn and look over to see...

You're probably wondering how I got here, let me tell you.

April 23rd 2017.

"His hands felt so good caressing my thighs. It sent a warmth through my spine causing my head to fall back into the bed. 'Let me hear you say my name,' he grunted in my ear. 'Colby,' I muttered.

There was knock on the door. 'Colby are you in here?' Sam asked. He huffed against my chest and replied 'yeah?' In an annoyed response. 'I'm about to post on our channel and I want you to look over the footage before I do,' Sam replied.

'Okay, give me a sec,' Colby replied with a faint pant. He hastily got up and got dressed before leaning over me quickly. 'We'll finish later,' he growled before kissing me and leaving his room."

I read the chapter and glanced up at my camera.

"Okay everybody, I'm gonna end the video here and we will continue this story later," I say.

I get up and shut the camera off.

Reading isn't as fun with out Svetlana and Danica, but it helps pay the bills.

There's a knock on my door.

"Sas? Are you done filming?" Sam asks.

"Yes Sam, what's up?" I reply.

"Colby, Amanda and I are taking Circa to the groomers to dye her fur and bring Elton into the prank war," He says.

"Elton is gonna be pissed!" I tell him.

"Yeah, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us to do it?" He asks.

"Yeah sure, but when Elton finds out I am not taking any blame," I say

I open the door and see Sam with a huge grin on his face.

We go downstairs and go outside where Colby, Amanda and Circa are.

"I like how we had to get you because Circa would not listen to us," Colby says.

"Well she's very strong, and Elton has not trained her in the slightest," Amanda replies.

"Anytime I try to touch Circa she just runs away," Sam says.

Colby gave Sam the camera because he would meet us there later.

Amanda drove and Sam sat in the passenger while showing the dye.

I sat in the back and cuddled Circa.

We get to the groomers and Amanda takes her leash.

As we walk up to the door my phone rings so I take a seat on the bench and answer it.

"Hallå (Hello)!" My sister says.

"Hallå Svetty. Hur mår du (How are you)?" I ask.

"Jag mår bra och du (I'm fine and you)?" She replies.

Just Roomates ~Colby Brock~Where stories live. Discover now