Part 6

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January 6th 2018.

The dinner date Colby and I canceled was only supposed to be until the next weekend.

But the next weekend turned into next month.

Christmas was wonderful.

Majority of the stuff I got was stuff for the baby, and I was happy with that.

That meant less things to worry about getting.

I got Colby a few shirts that have saying about being a dad.

He gave me a promise ring.

We had a new year's kiss, it was totally cliche, but it was cute.

"All of these are way more uncomfortable than last month!" I whine.

"Well you are two months pregnant," Kat says.

"Don't remind me," I groan.

Kat is helping me pick out an outfit for tonight, but nothing fits.

"Okay well the date isn't until later, and the boys are busy with a video, so let's go and get a new dress that you feel comfortable in," she say.

I nod.

"That sounds good, let me get dressed," I say.

I had no problem picking an outfit for the mall, my wardrobe consists of baggy joggers, stretch pants and baggy shirts.

"Okay let's go before I change my mind," I say.

She gets up from my bed and we go downstairs.

"Where you guys going?" Sam asks.

"It's date night and Sas doesn't have any dresses that fit, so we're gonna look at the mall," Kat replies.

"Okay, do you need money?" Sam asks.

"No I got some, we'll be okay. Film your video," she says pushing him playfully.

"Okay," he replies throwing his hand up in surrender.

I follow Kat outside and into the car.

She drove us to the mall.

We look around a few store and we found a nice dress.

It was dark blue and tight around the bust but loose in the skirt.

It fit well, and was comfortable and it was long.

We bought it and got some juice.

"So how excited are you for tonight." She asks.

"Excited, this will be nice. I am skeptical about how people will look at me, but no one will see in this dress," I say.

"Don't even think about it," Kat says.

I nod and we get in the car.

Kat stops at the light and turns on the radio.

The light turns green and as she pulls ahead a SUV speeds through the red light.

Kat slams the breaks as fast as she can, and luckily the driver didn't hit us,

But my seatbelt didn't lock and I fell forward and slammed my head on the dash.

"Oh my god are you okay!?" She screams.

"Yeah I'm fine, stop yelling," I say.

"Oh my god you hit your head, we need to go to the hospital," she says.

"No, the hospital will take hours and I can't cancel another date with Colby," I say.

"You just hit your head, we need to see a doctor," she says.

"You know what, take me to my family doctor, he does walk ins and we can do it quick," I say.

"Fine," she says.

She drives on to my doctor's office.

Her grip on the steering wheel was so tight, her knuckle were snow white.

When we park, Kat bursts into tears.

"We could've died," she exclaims.

"Calm down Kat, we're fine. Nothing happened to us," I say hugging her side.

"But we could've died. If he would've hit us, you and the baby could've died. I could've died," she cries.

"Look at me Katrina. You are alive. Baby and I are alive because you slammed those breaks down as fast as you could.

The only reason he didn't hit us is because if you. I seriously owe you one.

Now dry your eyes and let's go inside," I say.

She nods and wipes her eyes.

We get out and go inside.

"Hey Saskia, what are you in for today?" The receptionist asks.

"I hit my head and I was wondering if my doctor's available," I reply.

"Um, his lunch break is just about over, fill this out for me and he'll be able to see you," she say, handing me a clipboard.

"Okay, thank you," I say, and take a seat.

"I'm gonna call Sam and tell him," Kat says.

"No wait, Because if you tell Sam, he'll tell Colby, and if Colby finds out then we won't go out. Please Kat?" I plea.

"Fine, now why don't you get some water and calm down," I say pointing to the cooler.

She nods and walks over to it.

I fill out the form and get up.

I hand it back to the desk and take my seat.

Kat sits beside me with a cup of water.

I will forever be grateful for her.

The doctor told me I had a minor concussion.

We went back to the house and went inside.

"What took you guys so long?" Sam asks.

Kat glances towards me before she looks at Sam.

"Why don't we go to your room, I don't wanna make a big deal," she says.

I can tell Sam got worried.

They go upstairs and I take my dress to my room.

I lay it on my bed.

"What!?" I hear Sam yell.

I go across the hall and open his door.

"I'm fine, just freaked out. Sas's got hurt though, she has a minor concussion," she says.

"If it weren't for Kat that car would've hit us and baby and I would be in worse states. I owe her big," I say.

"Just glad you guys are okay," Sam says hugging Kat.

"Please don't tell Colby, I'm gonna tell him during dinner," I say.

Sam nods and I go get ready.

Dinner was wonderful.

And the look on the waitresses face was priceless.

She had been flirting with Colby, and it was annoying me.

He caught on to me being annoyed and her flirting.

So when she asked about wine he said,

'my girlfriend is pregnant and I'd be drinking for two and I don't drink,'

Her face was priceless.

While we were waiting for the waitress to bring the check, I told Colby about the almost accident.

He didn't freak out as much as I though, he just turned into protection mode and kept checking on me.

It was cute.

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