Part 2

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October 31st 2017 Halloween.

"Come on out Sas, we're ready to go downstairs," Kat calls.

"Fine, let's get this over with," I say and walk out if my closet.

"Damn that dress is tight, in all the best ways," Devyn says.

Devyn and Corey are dressed up as dancers.

Sam and Kat are dressed as Danny and Sandy from grease.

Aaron is Barney.

Amanda and Elton are dressed as Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

Colby is a gorilla, and me?

I'm sexy Batman.

I did not pick it. I told Katya about the party and she sent it to me.

Me and the girls go downstairs.

The guys are hosting a Halloween party with all our friends.

"Come on, let's get some punch before the hand melts and its watery," Devyn says.

The girls made all the treats and drinks for tonight.

Devyn saw a cool idea on Instagram where you fill a rubber glove with water and freeze it to make cool shaped ice for parties.

The girls walk to the kitchen and I walk into the living room.

I spot the almost all the boys, and other vine friends.

I didn't see Colby, so I knew something was up.

There's a prank for tonight.

A throaty scream goes through the house.

Brennen runs downstairs and through the house in a banana suit, being chased by a gorilla.


All the housemates and guests have a laugh.

"Hey Sas," Spiderman says.

"Hey Gabe," I giggle.

"Nice costume. I didn't know you were into this kinda costume," he says.

"Not usually, but my sister sent it so I wore it for her sake. And to be honest, I kinda like it," I reply.

"Well it is nice," Gabe says.

"You don't look to bad yourself Spidey," I reply.

"Shots! Shots! Shots!" Corey chants.

"It's challenge time everybody!" Elton calls.

"Okay so let's see who can drink the most shots in one minute. Any volunteers or nominations?" Corey asks through the mic.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Elton calls.

"Alright Elton, one more person come on," Corey says.

"I nominate Sas!" Kat calls, with a lot for agreement.

"Come on Sas, get up here girl. I know you have record!" Corey says.

I shake my head with a smile.

My head is gonna hurt tomorrow.

I walk up beside Elton.

"Okay who can take the most shot in a minute. Now the punch is really spiked so if you need to tap out feel free. Ready, set, go!" Corey yells.

I grab the first shot and down it goes, no reaction.

Elton shrugs it off.

Next one gone.

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