Part 13

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June 12th 2018.

I pace around the nursery.

I was in there to try an calm my nerves.

The house mates left two days ago.

It was just Aaron and I.

I am due at anytime now, considering I'm huge.

My mamma still hasn't flown in with Oskar and Svetty, but they'll be here today.

I'm just worried that they're not gonna be here for the baby.

That's why I was in the nursery.

I'm on the verge of tears.

I just can't stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

I hear my phone rings.

I grab it off the shelf and answer.

"Hallå," I say.

"Hallå Sas, just calling to let you know that our flight has to go a different route because of a rough turbulence spot. We'll be there after four thirty," mamma says.

"Okay mamma, can't wait," I sigh.

"Honey you need to calm down. As much as we want the baby to come, the stress with put it on the fast track and it could be dangerous," she warns.

"I know, and I'm trying my best, but it's so hard," I cry.

A few tears fall.

"I know honey, just breathe, I'll do it with you. In, out," she repeats it a few times and I do as she says.

"Good girl. Here, talk to your brother I have to use the restroom," she says.

"Hallå!" Oskar says.

"Hallå Oskar, how are you?" I ask.

"Excited, I can't wait to see you and the baby," he says.

"I can't wait to see you either buddy, I have a really nice hotel room booked for you," I says.

"The hotel in Australia was really nice when we visited Katya," he says.

"I bet, where's Svetty?" I ask.

"Her seat on the other end of the plane, here comes mamma," he replies.

"Okay," I say.

"Sas," mamma says.

"Yea mamma?" I ask.

"I have to hang up, we'll be taking off in a moment, but text me if you need anything," she says.

"Okay mamma," I say.

"Okay honey hang in there, we love you," she replies.

"Love you guys to," I hang up and set my phone down.

I guess I'll go see what Aaron is doing.

I grab my phone and go downstairs.

"Aaron, whatcha doing?" I call.

"I'm in my room editing," he replies.

"Okay, be decent," I say letting myself in.

"Is everything okay with you and baby?" He asks glancing over.

"Yeah, I'm just uneasy. I'm afraid no one will be here in time," I admit.

"Well I can guarantee anything, but I have a strong feeling that Colby will be there in time," he assures me.

"Thanks Aaron," I say.

I hug him.

"No problem, go relax," he says.

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