Part 4

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November 23rd 2017 Thanksgiving.

Everybody has been very mellow.

We were all gathered in the house and my sister came to visit.

One for Thanksgiving and two to help me tell everyone about the baby.

Svetlana, Kat and I told the other girls when Svetlana first got here.

We planned for a couple days,and I think it's going to be good.

We got them all small 'gifts' to break the news.

The girls are helping Svetlana and I cook thanksgiving with a small twist.

We cook it with different flavours at home than they do.

After dinner we're gonna get them to open the gifts.

"So what's this here?" Devyn asks.

"Mashed Cauliflower," Svetty replies.

"Oh, we usually do potatoes," Kat says.

"Yes, but my older sister Katya is allergic to potatoes, so we do cauliflower," Svetty replies.

"I can't wait until later, they are gonna be so surprised. Finally we won't have secret to hide," Kat says.

I nod as Svetty takes the roaster of of the oven.

She lifts the lid with a smile.

The smell curdles my stomach.

I cover my mouth and run into the bathroom.

"Sas!" Colby calls after me.

I don't close the door but get down to the toilet.

He pulls my hair away and comforts me.

I sit back and look at him.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod, trying to catch my breath.

He helps me up and we go into the kitchen.

"Are you okay Sas?" Amanda asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say.

"You've been sick alot lately. Maybe you should go to the doctor," Colby says.

"I did, and they said it was something in my stomach and I have to wait it out," I reply.

I have been hinting about the baby for awhile now, and he still hasn't got it.

He will tonight.

"Dinner's ready!" Svetlana yells.

The housemates rush in to eat.

Svetty hands me a made up plate.

I take it and sit in the living room.

Everyone talks amongst themselves.

I sit and eat quietly.

Circa trots over to me and sits.

The dye was only supposed to last a few washed, but she is still pink.

I feed her some turkey.

I'm not gonna eat all of it.

"Hey Sas, you done? We're almost ready for the thing," Kat says.

I nod letting Circa lick my plate.

I get up and set the slobbery plate in the sink with the dirty ones.

Svetty and Amanda have the gifts ready to go, and Devyn has the camera set up.

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