Part 10

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April 11th 2018.

"I think I'll just order pizza tonight," Devyn says.

Kat nods in agreement.

"Yeah it's to damn hot!" Kat exclaims.

I pull my sweater off and toss it to the floor.

"This is the one thing I don't miss about Sweden, it doesn't get this hot," I say.

The girls were helping me set up the nursery while Colby and the boys are at Pop Con in Florida.

It just so happens to be a heatwave as well.

"Corey just sent me pictures of them at the beach," Devyn whines.

She lets her phone be on the windowsill.

"They all suck!" Kat replies.

"Yeah, but it's okay. Florida's supposed to get a massive heatwave tomorrow that will last a week," I say.

I push in the crib box.

"Haha, suckers," Kat says.

"Yeah, and they get to be in a stuffy building with nerds three days in a row," I chuckle.

"Why don't we go to the beach later to cool off, it won't be so hot," Devyn suggests.

Kat nods in agreement again.

"I read somewhere, that when a pregnant woman swims, she's like a human submarine," I say.

"Dude, that's like a mindfrick thing," Kat's says.

I nod.

I probably read it off an article about that.

"Cool, we'll go later then, let's get the crib together," Devyn says.

We smirk at eachother and get to work.

It took two and a half hours to get the room set up.

The crib, the changing table, dresser the rocking chair, which I still don't know how we got that together.

Even the bookshelf was a challenge, and the instructions were in Swedish.

Kat lays a pastel colored rug down in the middle of the floor.

Devyn stocks the shelf with a few books and diapers and wipes and toys.

I sort the few outfits I already have I to the correct drawers of the dresser.

"We need to get more clothes," Kat says.

I nod lightly.

"Yeah, but we still have a few months to go," I mutter.

She nods.

"I am gonna spoil the hell out of this kid," Devyn states.

We all share a laugh.

I take a seat in the rocking chair and take a deep breath.

We finished.

"Sas, look at the camera!" Kat exclaims.

I look up to see her with my phone.

I smile and the shutters sounds.

"I'll send it to Colby," she says beginning to type away.

"Thanks," I say.

"Let's go get ready for the beach," Devyn says.

I pull myself from the comfy chair and to my feet.

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