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June 12th 2018.

"Look at that little nose."

"Look at those tiny hands, they're so small compared to mine."

"Congrats dude. Just beautiful."

"Thanks Elton, look, so precious."

"Vegas was so worth leaving."

I open my eyes to see all the boys.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Hi handsome."

I yawn and look over to see all the housemates, Elton, my siblings and my mamma huddled around a hospital cradle.

"Wanna hold him?" Colby asks.

I nod with a yawn.

I look at my stomach, already missing my huge bump.

Colby picks up Baby so gently.

I tear up looking at my beautiful boy.

He lays him on my chest.

Baby whimpers faintly.

"Awe!" Kat calls softly.

I run my hand over his back.

He yawned lightly.

"Awe," I whisper.

"What's his name?" Svetty asks bouncing on her feet.

I look to Colby, and he looks to me.

I nod with a smile.

"Evert, it means bear in Swedish," Colby says.

The way mamma and Svetty's eyes light up is priceless.

"Awe, that's so adorable," the girls sigh.

I smile down at my baby.

"I'm so happy your finally here," I whisper.

I kiss his head.

The nurse comes in.

"Nice to see your awake. I've just come to help you get situated for the first feeding," she says.

"Okay," I say.

"Why don't we all get food at the cafe, and let them have some privacy," mamma says.

Everyone nods and follows her out.

Colby pulls a chair beside my bed.

"Okay, so I'm just gonna have you sit up," she says putting her hand on my back.

I sit straight and look to her for the next step.

"Now cradle him like this," she says putting him in my arms the right way.

"Now, he should latch on immediately," she says.

I nod.

I proceed to let him latch onto my breast.

"Good, now he'll let go when he's finished," she says.

I nod looking at him.

The nurse leaves.

"We did it, he's finally here," Colby says softly.

"Yeah. If I'm being honest, I miss being big, just a little bit," I say with a chuckle.

He laughes lightly.

"I can't wait to take him home," he says.

I nod.

I look up to him.

"I love you, so much," I whisper.

"I love you to, you've given me more then I could ever want. Thank you," he says.

I lean in and kiss him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," he says.

"It's okay, you did more then make up for it. You were hear when it counted the most, and your here now," I say.

He rests his forehead on my own.

Evert let's go of my breast.

I hand him to Colby.

I cover myself back up.

"Do this," I say.

I help him hold Evert in a sitting position.

"Now burp him," I chuckle.

He rubs and pats his back lightly.

"How long was I sleeping?" I ask.

"An hour, a nurse just barely wheeled his crib in," he replies.

I smile.

Colby cradles Evert in his arms.

It makes my heart smile.

We took Evert home the next day.

Everybody wanted to hold him all of the time.

This is the end of the story, how I ended up pregnant, how I finally got the boy of my dreams, how I was blessed with a little boy.

This is the end of the long journey, bit it's not the last one.

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