Part 3

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November 12th 2017.

I woke up sick for the third time this week.

Colby and I's relationship didn't change.

It's not awkward.

He treats it as though it never happened.

And maybe he was too drunk to remember.

I knew though, that it wasn't just sleeping together.

It was more. Way more.

I have been sick for days, but only in the morning.

I missed my period which was supposed to come days ago.

And I'm a little more hungry than usual.

And guessing from all the symptoms, I think  I'm pregnant.

I should know though, I watched my mom be pregnant twice after me.

I went out and bought the best home test that was sold at Walmart.

I go into the bathroom and take the test.

I put the cap on it and go to Sam's room where Kat is.

The boys all went shopping for a video and took Devyn, leaving Kat, Amanda, Elton and I.

I put the test in my pocket and knocked on the door.

"Come in," she says.

I open the door and go in closing the door behind me.

"What's up Sas?" She asks worried.

"It's a long story," I whisper.

She pulls me over to sit with her on the bed.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Well the night of the party, Colby and I did it, and now I might be pregnant," I cry.

She wipes a tear away.

"Oh Sas, it's okay," she says.

"What if I'm pregnant? How am I gonna tell Colby, and the house mates and my family?" I cry harder.

"I will help you, don't worry. Now did you take a test?" She asks.

I nod and pull it out of my pocket.

I force myself to look at it.


My breathe catches as Kat takes it.

"No, no. Sas, this is okay, this is great. I'm gonna be here with you every step of the way, okay.

Look at me Sas, you're gonna be just fine, and you are gonna be a great mom.

I'm gonna be right here with you through everything, and so will Devyn and Amanda and Sam and Corey.

And your family will be so happy.

We are here for you Sas, we can do this, you can do this," she says.

I nod and catch my breath.

"Thank you Kat, you're the best," I say.

We hug tightly.

"You guys okay?" Sam asks.

The housemates are back.

"Yeah Sam, we're fine. Sas, just had a panic attack is all," she replies.

"Okay well we picked up food on the way back," Sam tells us.

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