Part 12

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June 4th 2018.

My phone rings.

I groan and open my eyes.

"I'll answer it," Colby grumbles.

He grabs it off the charger and accepts it.

"Hello?" He asks.

The person on the line speaks.

"Yeah she's right here, hang on," he replies.

He looks to me.

"It's your mom," he whispers.

I rub my eyes and take my phone.

"Hallå mamma," I say, not fully awake.

"Did I wake you?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Yep, but it's okay," I yawn.

"Good because I have some good news," she says.

"Really?" I ask excitedly with another yawn.

Colby cuddles into my side.

He rests his head on my shoulder and stares up at me sleepily.

"Yes, I bought tickets for Oskar, Svetty and I to fly out next month. And hopefully we can be there for the baby's birth," she tells me.

"Mamma that's great, I'll be so happy if it works out that way. I'm excited," I say.

"Yeah, so is your brother. When I told him he ran around the house cheering," she laughs.

I giggle at the thought.

"I can't wait. It will be great to have you guys here, I'm gonna need the company," I say.

I yawn again.

I bring my hand up and run it through Colby's hair.

"I told you right? That the roomates are going to Vegas for a thing and Aaron and I are staying home," I explain.

"That's right, I remember that call. You were sobbing and I told you to calm down," she chuckles.

"That's the one," I remark.

"Alright, I'll let you know more later, Oskar has a game today," she says.

"Okay, tell him I say good luck," I reply.

"Alright honey, I will, love you," she says.

"Love you to, bye,"

I reply.

"Bye honey," she says before hanging up.

I set my phone beside me and cuddle against Colby.

"What was that about?" He asks lazily.

"My mamma and siblings are coming to stay after you leave. She hopes she'll be here in time to be there for the birth," I yawn.

"Hopefully I'll be back by then. How long is she staying?" He asks.

"I don't know, but she'll still be here when you get back, my mom usually plans trips for two weeks and the Vegas trip isn't even a full one,"I say.

"Okay," he nods.

"I gotta pee," I announce.

I let go of Colby and crawl out of bed.

I go across to the bathroom.

Once I finish, I stand in front of the mirror.

I stare at the bump.

I can't believe it's an actual person who is almost ready to come out.

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