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"Alright, well, after looking at the symptoms and doing some tests we have found that Jessie has a concussion and a case of traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis.  This was caused by hyperflexion of her neck because you said she had fallen down some steps and damaged the original injury a bit after.  We have decided to manage this with some external immobilization as you can obviously see.  That will need to stay on for nine to ten weeks to be safe."  The doctor said while looking over the notes on her computer. 

I was laying on the hospital bed, but it was reclined so my body was at a 90 degree angle so I could see what was happening since I couldn't move my neck.  Alex is sitting on a chair next to my bed holding my hand, and the woman who is apparently my mom is sitting next to the doctor.  You could tell Alex was angry because it started to show physically.

His hand was shaking and a little stiff.  He said he was mad was because my mom was sobbing and pretending to be sad when he said he knew for a fact she didn't care. 

"H-How long is s-she staying in the hospital?"  My mom stuttered out and then sniffled while wiping the tears off her face. 

"She will be recommended to stay another three days after today which means she'll be able to return home Friday.  We just want to keep her here a bit to make sure she's alright.  Any more questions?"  Smiling, the doctor looked at us and waited to see if one of us was going to talk. 

Alex spoke up, "Will she be able to have visitors?"

The doctor said yes as long as they were careful around me.  After Alex, my mom, and I asked a few more questions the doctor left us be.  My mom left pretty quickly after since she said she was  'sadly' busy.  It was a good riddance though, so Alex and I didn't mind.  We talked for about an hour about different things until a nurse came to escort Alex out since visiting hours were over.  

"Bye Jess, I'll visit you tomorrow after school."  He waved while walking out the door.  I waved back and said goodbye.  A few minutes later the nurse from before brought some food for me to eat.

The night went by pretty fast.  Before going to sleep there was a neurologist that came in to do some simple tests on me to make sure the rest of my body was working properly.  He said I had looked all good, so he left.


It was currently Friday and I couldn't wait to leave the hospital.  The only times I wasn't bored out of my mind was when Dan, Becky, Phil, and Alex came to visit.  The nurses wouldn't even let my listen to music because they thought my brain was still tender from the concussion.  

"Here are some clothes from home for you to change into, and when you are done your boyfriend is waiting in the lobby to take you home."  The nurse said sweetly.  My face immediately lit up in a blush from what she called Alex. 

"Oh, um thanks, but he isn't my boyfriend."  I say while taking the clothes from her.

"Yet."  She simply spoke then walked out.  After processing what she said and blushing more I carefully switched from the hospital garments to black ripped skinny jeans, and Metallica shirt, and some black and white converse (aka my usual outfit).  It felt nice to wear this stuff again because the garments made me feel way too exposed.

On my way to the lobby I started spacing out a bit.  That's when I bumped into someone who was on their phone.

"Oh my bad./I'm sorry."  We both said at the same time.  I looked at their face and they looked like a tomboy.  Dark brown hair with a quiff but shaved sides, brown eyes, and a small black gauge in both ears.  For clothes they just wore a long sleeve black and white shirt with jeans.

I was going to say I liked their gauges, but they mumbled that they were in a hurry and walked off.  Once I got to the lobby I met up with Alex and we got in his truck.  I've never been in it before and it was pretty cool in my opinion.  He was about to start the truck when he stopped.

"So, I have a question."  Alex started.

"Yeah?"  I ask.  His cheeks were dusted pink and his breathing seemed shaky.  I got worried.

"You don't have to force yourself Alex.."

"No this is important and I want to, but don't feel forced to go along with it or anything if you don't want.  I know I'm pretty weird and stupid."  Alex had both hands on the steering wheel and was looking at them.

"No you aren't, don't say that.  You are an amazing perso--"  He cut me off.

"Will you go out with me?"  He looked so scared, but his voice sounded confident.

And in that moment everything in me froze.  I must be dreaming..  I must be dreaming.. this isn't actually happening, right?

"Could you repeat that?"  My voice squeaks.

"D-Do you want to go out with me?"  His eyes glanced over at me.  My mouth was probably hanging open slightly.  I felt bad for not answering, but I physically couldn't.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked let's just get you home--"  I finally gained control of myself.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes Alex.  I want to go out with you."  Quickly, I lean over and hug him, but still watch out for my neck/head.

"Wait really?"  He was taken aback and started blushing again.  It was adorable.

"Yes!"  Alex hugs me back, but gently leans is forehead on mine.

"What did you want to do?"  I whisper.

"I was maybe thinking about taking you to my grandparents place.  They have a cabin a little bit away from their house next to a lake."  He says quietly back.

"That sounds nice Alex.  Thank you."  I say and close my eyes.  This was so nice.

"Shouldn't I be saying thank you?"  Alex chuckles.

"We can both be thankful for different reasons."  After a couple more minutes of hugging Alex says I should probably get home so I can rest.  

We arrived at my house and before I got out Alex started talking.

"While your mom was away I went through your window and changed the doorknob on your bedroom door.  It locks from the inside now, so if she ever gets bad you can, you know, lock her out and be safe."  I give him a grateful smile, and lean over to hug him again.

"Thank you.  So much.  I may not remember everything now, but I will never forget how you make me feel."  His hand rubs circles in my back.

"I'll never forget what you've done for me."  He responds.  I get out of the truck and walk up to my front door.  He waited till I was in the house before driving off.

I think I'm in love with you Alexander Jackens...

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