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"So that's what I think."  

"But Thanos can't be dead.  He's like the main villain isn't he?"

"Well yes, but at the end of Infinity War Thor shows up just as Thanos gets hold of the Mind Stone with his new beefed-up Stormbreaker Axe and buries it in the Mad Titan's chest, doing serious damage. Thanos survives long enough to snap his fingers and make his wish to wipe out half the universe come true. Then he bails, stepping backward through a Space Stone portal..."  Alex continues on to talk about Infinity War theories while I try to keep up because I've barely seen any Marvel movies.  We were currently walking outside to go home since school had ended.

I turn to start walking alone to my house since that's what I did every day when Alex gently grabbed my shoulder.  

"Hey uh Jess?"  He asks.

"Yeah?  What's up?"  Confusion and a little concern start to find there way into my voice and facial expression.

"Can I spend the night at your house again?  I actually consulted my parents this time, so I won't be called home at like midnight again.."  At first he maintains eye contacts, but Alex slowly continues to look down at his feet further into his sentence.  

"Yeah totally.  Come on."  I flash him a smile to hopefully make him feel less uncomfortable since I could tell he was feeling that way.  My hand acts on its own and reaches down to grab his, so I could pull him along.  Going along with my involuntary decision I don't disconnect our hands, and I continue looking ahead while walking.  

As I look ahead I ironically see Dan and Phil ahead of us.  They were at an intersection about to cross a street when Phil looked over his shoulder to check for cars.  He spotted us, tapped Dan on the shoulder saying something, then waved at us.  I used my free hand to waved back.

When Dan looked back and noticed Alex and I holding hands I could just sense with the look he gave me that he was going to tease me about it later.  Wanting to talk to them I pick up my speed.  That's when I hear a feminine voice call Alex's name from behind us.  

He turned around to see who it was, and I stopped.  To be completely honest that made me jealous. 

"Oh, hey there Becky." Alex called.  Oh thank god it was only her.

I greet her and wave to Dan and Phil to come back by us.  They start walking back in our direction as Becky still jogs up to us.  We move off the sidewalk as I introduce everyone since surprisingly Becky and Alex didn't know Dan and Phil and vice versa.  

The good thing was everyone seemed to get along nicely.  Alex brought up the Infinity War theories again so that was the conversation topic.  That's when an idea popped into my head.  

"Guys, gals, non-bianary pals!  We should all come to my house and chill for a bit."  My grin grew into a very noticeable smile as a purpose the idea.

"Me and Phil were going to your house anyway because we wanted to bug you."  Becky all of a sudden looked constipated, and I give her a weird look.

"You good Becky?"  She looks up at me with a pained look in her eye then looks towards Dan.

"It'ssupposedtobePhilandInotmeandPhil."  She spills out.

"Ugh oh my god, how did I not catch that.  I'm such an idiot."  Dan facepalms then Alex whispers in my ear.  

"Mr. Stark they don't feel so good.." Alex and I burst out laughing.

"HOW DARE YOU ALEX!  FIRST YOU LAUGH AT THE THEATER WHEN THE PEOPLE WERE DYING NOW THIS.. what will I do with you!"  Becky falls on her knees continuing to talk about how triggered she is.  Again I felt my chest irk with jealousy.  When did they go to the movies together?  Were they alone?  Are they dating?

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