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"What are you getting all dolled up for honey?"  My mom asked while coming in my room to sit on my bed.

"Alex and I are hanging out, and I'm not that dolled up."  I answered fixing my hair in the mirror.

"Well, this is the first time I've seen you in a dress in a while." This time I turn back at her and tell her to stop simply with my eyes. She chuckles at my behavior, and then I softly smile to myself. I loved how we get along and have a normal relationship now. It's nice.

"You and him are cute. I don't know why you are trying to hide the fact that you two are dating, I approve. I mean he seems like a nice young man." She gets up and stands behind me to dust off the back of the spring dress I was wearing. I was kind of taken aback by her comment.

"How did you know?" The sentence just slipped out before I could stop myself.

"I mean it's not that hard to tell. You are always with him. Not to mention all the eye contact, blushing, hand holding and hugging." Now that I think about it she's right, but to be honest I don't care. I'm happy with Alex, so it doesn't matter what other people think.

Before I knew it I was getting into Alex's truck for our date. My mom watched me get into the truck and waved goodbye. I gave a small smile and wave back, but not for long because of how Alex views her.

Alex and I greet each other with a hug then when we separate he starts to drive. The radio softly plays heavy metal as he drives. The song A Little Piece of Heaven was on. A smirk appeared on my face, and I reach over to turn the sound up.

"I love this romantic music Alex." I say jokingly as the radio suddenly blasts a lovely song lyric.

"Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times, I can't believe it, ripped her heart out right before her eyes..."

Alex just looked at me and we both started laughing. The rest of the car ride was filled with stupid jokes and more random comments. Then we finally arrived at a park.

"You ready?" He said giving me a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be? This isn't our first date ya know." I return the smile. Alex shakes his and and gives me a kiss on the cheek before getting out. He told me to grab some stuff that was in the back. After both of us had things like a picnic basket, flashlight, and a radio, Alex was leading me way back into the trees of the park.

"Are you going to murder me now?" I sarcastically ask chuckling.

"No. I would never kill something so beautiful." Alex responded looking back at me.

"Stop being so cute and cheesy. This is turning out like a fan fiction." I say bumping my shoulder into his.

We walked for another couple minutes, and then I saw a small clearing. There was a small clearing of grass next to a lake. When I saw the scenery I must have stopped walking to take it all in because Alex grabbed my hand and gently lead me forwards. 

Once Alex stopped I set the stuff I was carrying down because my arms were getting tired.

"Alright.  So how shall we start this date Romeo?"  My hands go on my hips as I question Alex. 

"Well Juliet, I was thinking we would eat and listen to music then do whatever you would like."  While speaking Alex goes in the same position as me.  I roll my eyes and chuckle as we sit on the ground to eat.  The radio was set to a rock station, but I decided to change it to a newer pop station because why not.

We have the casual banter about how our days went and stuff as we ate the sandwiches, fruit, and pie Alex brought.  The conversation topic was the French language when I hear Back To You by Selena Gomez come on.  Immediately I jump to my feet squealing.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" 

"What's happening?  Are you okay?"  Alex asks nervously also jumping to his feet.

"It's Back To You!  Oh my god, I'm not okay."  Was what I said before trying to loudly sing the lyrics.  My eyes close and I dance terribly.

"I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to, when I'm lying close to someone else.."  I open my eyes for a couple seconds and see Alex just looking at me while smiling.  This makes me smile more as I continue enjoying the song. 

"If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you."  After singing this verse I make my way over to Alex, grab his hands, and make him dance with me.  Now, we danced it was more of us doing weird motions while holding hands.  This is the happiest I've ever been.  No matter what went through my head it couldn't pull me down.  I had Alex and that's all that mattered.  I was wholeheartedly in love with him.

The song eventually came to end, and we were both out of breath.  At first we just looked at each other, but then I basically fell on him in an attempt to give him a hug. 

We both were slightly laughing and trying to catch our breath while the commercials played in the background. 

"Alright we are going to continue this romantic mood, but slow it down with a little Ed Sheeran.  Enjoy."  The radio announcer spoke.  The song started and Alex and I just looked at each other.

(Play the song above.)

He just bowed and put out his hand out for me to take.  I did a little curtsy while taking his hand.  Although I still felt extremely happy everything just seemed to slow down.  I rested my head on his chest as we slow danced which resulted in my whole body feeling warm.  He rested his head on mine.

I slowly drifted off as I listened to the song.  This whole night has been too good to be true.  It felt as if nothing could go wrong.  These thoughts continued through my head as my eyes closed.

Alex's heartbeat was soothing me.  What if this was all a dream?  What if I woke up and it was the first day of school?  Would I do it all again? 

Definitely.  Why did I even ask that?

He saved me, and I couldn't thank him enough for that.  I lift my head to look at Alex.  I wanted to tell him everything I just though of, but my lips didn't move.  Except when I saw Alex over dramatically lip syncing the words.

"You're such an idiot."  I chuckle.

"I know, but so are you."  He said.  I smiled  at him and we went back into the position from before.  The song continued on, and when it ended we pulled apart.  Although we did leave our hands together. 

"I love you."  I said looking at our connected hands.

"I love you too."  I heard Alex respond.  His voice was rough, and I look up at him concerned.  Just as I suspected he was almost crying. 

"What's wrong?"  I put my hand on his cheek. 

"Nothing.  Nothing is.  This is just so perfect, and you are amazing.  I've never been this happy.  I'm glad I met you.  I know I've probably said this before, but.. I mean it."  My thumb wipes away the one tear the fell down his face.

"I know.  I feel the same about you.  I can't thank you enough for saving me."  He leaned down and kissed my forehead.  He smiled again which made me smile, and I leaned in to kiss him on the lips.  It wasn't passionate or full of lust.  It was just amazingly simple. 

As the night went on we continue dancing to almost every song.  Good or bad.  Once it was about nine o'clock we started packing up to go to the car.  When we got in the car we blasted the heavy metal again and held hands.  The car ride was over sooner than I wanted it to be. 

I kissed him goodnight, and went inside.  My mom tried to ask questions but I told her I was too tired. 

I put earbuds in and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

Today was good.

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